BNI 60 Seconds: Directory advertising


Greetings (Name of BNI chapter),

David Ogilvy quoting John Wanamaker said,

"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half."

You can cut the waste from your advertising by making your advertising accountable to you.

Can the results of your advertising be quantified or measured ?

Results from the (Your directory) have been known to be measurable.

  • Land-line and mobile calls can be tracked.

  • Website links & e-mail clicks can be counted.

  • Video views & ad views can be measured.

What you can can count or measure, you can make accountable to you.

  The (Your directory) deliver 
  on average over USD 12 in revenue and
  USD 4 in profit 
  for every USD  
  invested in (Your directory) advertising. 

I'm (Your name), (Title), from (Your directory)

in print,

on the net,

on your mobile and now

on your iPhone.

I am looking for referrals from restaurants & hotels.

Specifically, I need a referral to (Name,) (Title, ) (Company.)

(Your name) from (Your company)

Advertising that is accountable to you.

A BNI 60 seconds tutorial.

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