Are you scalable?

What if you could multiply yourself?

Arithmetically? Exponentially?
What if the internet could help you scale yourself?

It is my hope that this article provides you enough food for thought on how you can monetize yourself.
And when you create your own unicorn, will you let me drive your Bugatti Veyron for a few minutes? 😊

adjective: scalable; scaleable

  1. able to be scaled or climbed.
  2. able to be changed in size or scale.
    "scalable fonts" (of a computing process) able to be used or produced in a range of capabilities.
    "it is scalable across a range of systems"
  3. technical
    able to be measured or graded according to a scale.

Madhuri Dixit, a leading Bollywood actress of her time, is also an acclaimed danseuse.

How does one facilitate the scaling up of a unique talent?

 How does one make a particular skill, 
 available to the general populace? 
 Especially one which traditionally has
 been delivered a service one on one?
 (e.g. cardiology or dance instruction) 
 On demand? 
 At scale?
 On an internet scale?
Are there some insights for us in the template that her husband, Dr Shriram Nene, employed scale Madhuri Dixit? What can we learn from Dr Shriram Nene's efforts to bring Madhuri Dixit's singular dancing expertise to the masses?
What talent, skill or expertise do you have that is scalable? What do you want to permit the whole world to opt in to and/or to participate with you?

If the internet can scale a dance instruction business, could there be opportunities for the internet to scale you?

Madhuri Dixit, Dance & Google.

A business scaling case study.

Madhuri Dixit studied micro-biology at Parle College, in Vile Parle (East), Bombay.

At a Talks at Google conversation with Amit Singhal, then a Google Fellow & Sr Vice President, Search, Dr Shriram Nene, the cardiologist & husband of Madhuri Dixit, discusses how he ideated scaling his wife, Madhuri Dixit’s, unique dancing talent.

Scalability is the ability of a system, network, or process, to handle growing amount of work in a capable manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth.
Stack Overflow

I could not scale!

I became a doctor ... a heart surgeon ... my problem was I couldn't scale it. No matter how hard I worked ... 300 to 500 patients per year ... there's 7 billion people on the planet ... if I could take my original skills combined with her media talent & then amalgamate them with brick-and-mortar, we could change the way people think about medicine.

Dr Shriram Nene

Madhuri Dixit was born in a Marathi-speaking Koknastha Hindu Brahmin family.

Dr Nene’s scalability opportunity

  • His own training & experience as a cardiologist.
  • His own expertise as a software technologist.
  • His wife, Madhuri Dixit’s passion for dance.

Releasing the little genius in everyone.

Every single one of us has a little genius in them ... if Pablo Picasso never got his...if Marie Curie never got an opportunity …. if Einstein never had an opportunity to write ... how many people in the world never have that opportunity? .... I started out with this health construct to take good evidence-based medicine to everyone on the planet.

Dr Shriram Nene

Beyond mere scalability.

Once the core software functionality of Dance with Madhuri was frozen, Dr Nene was able cast his vision further. He then provided opportunities to those who would potentially have been left out.

If you gamify learning, you can change the way people learn ... what we did was we knit that together with a social network & a marketplace. So now when these people learn, they're not just learning, but they're creating video resumes …. what they're doing is essentially becoming marketable. So what we're doing is we're discovering talent from all over the planet, not just from one area …. And dance was really the tip of the iceberg ... because if you take this and build it out .. to the other verticals ....

Dr Shriram Nene

Create new categories

Beyond mere dance instruction, Dr Nene was able to create a whole new category much like Apple (iPhone, iPod) Uber (transportation), AirBnB (accommodation) & Flipkart (an Indian Amazon). This meant that Dance with Madhuri has become a new benchmark for a new category.

Madhuri Dixit has won 11 major awards & 26 nominations, including 'Actress of the Millennium' in 2000.

If the internet can scale a dance instruction business, could not the internet also scale you?

  • What unique talent or ability do you have?
  • Even if you are not unique, what aspect of your business, talent or skill set can you lay a claim to? Which no one else has claimed?
       "The only sound that you hear
       (in a Rolls-  Royce) is the sound 
       of a clock ticking." 
       "(Pepsi) tastes sweeter."
  • What problem are you solving? In what way does your service add or create value to people? Potential customers?
  • How passionate are you about your idea?
  • How much do you want the whole world to have the opportunity to share your talent?
  • How could the Steemit blockchain provide a platform for your idea to take off? For you to scale?

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