[Book quotes reactions #4] - "...outburst of decency from someone you don't like..."

Over last 8 years long relationship with my Kindle, I've read tens of interesting books and highlighted hundreds of interesting passages. In this series, I'll bring up some of them and think a bit what I liked/didn't like on each particular quote.

There are few things more discomforting than a spontaneous outburst of genuine decency from someone you're determined to dislike for no good reason.

Book: Shantaram
Author: Gregory David Roberts

Quote: Liked/ Disliked

This one caught me off-guard. I've never given it a 2nd thought before but it's sooo true. There's this new guy who just joined you for an evening and you don't like him from the very first moment. And all of the sudden, that mofo helps old woman to get off the bus. Or helps a mother with a baby carrier. It's not important what, but he does something good. BOOM you're basically fucked! So had a prejudice against him without no reason. There's this very short moment when you feel like shit. But our brain is just too smart to allow it enter our consciousness too deep. So we just forget it the next second...We don't remember those situations anymore, but that feeling stays written somewhere. That's the feeling you feel right now :) At least I feel it. I've been guilty of this probably more times than I'd like...


I remember classifying this book as the best book I've ever read. The book is about life in India and I've read it during my time in Pakistan, so I guess that probably gave it a big boost, since I was daily experiencing situations written in book. Also it's supposed to be a true story but I honestly doubt everything written in the book really happened. Anyway, book is about Indian culture, slums, crime, Afgani war and many more. If you want a nice book to take you into the hearth of India, I'd recommend it for sure.

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!

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You can find my latest posts here:

  1. Has Elon finally made it to the Mars? (Muscat, Oman)
  2. [3 months in Pakistan #3] Northern areas
  3. My first live MMA event
  4. [Podcast bits #2] Stephan Kesting with "Aikido vs MMA" guy (Rokas Leonavicius)
  5. Friday FUNDAY in the office - Superman helping people to cross the road

Mother tongue version

Pocas poslednych 8 rokov som s mojim staruckym Kindlom precital desiatky knih a ulozil si stovky zaujmavych pasazi. V tejto serii postov sa pokusim vybrat najzaujmavejsie z nich a priblizit, co sa mi na nich pacilo a co nie.

Nie je vela viac neprijemnych momentov nez ked niekto voci komu mate predsudky zrazu spravi spravnu vec a niekomu pomoze

Kniha: Shantaram
Author: Gregory David Roberts

Pasaz: Pacila / Nepacila

Tato veta ma pristihla nepripraveneho. Nikdy som nad tym nerozmyslal, no je to fakt pravda. Poznate to...v ten vecer je s Vami vonku aj nejaky novy chalan, ktory sa tam ani neviete ako pritrafil. A odzaciatku je vam absolutne nesympaticky. No a znicoho nic ten "had" pomoze mamicke s kociarom alebo babicke nastupit do autobusu. V tom momente vam zasadil "ranu pod pas". Mali ste voci nemu predsudky no ocividne to vyzera tak, ze on je dobry clovek. V tej chvili nastane ultrakratky moment kedy sa citite ako najposlednejsi "had" Vy. Ale nas mozog je az moc dobre vyvinuty na to, aby nechal toto uvedomienie si o sebe preniknut hlbsie do nasej mysle. Dalsiu sekundu proste na to zabudneme...Preto si moc tychto momentov ani nepamatame. No ten odporny pocit zhnusenia sa pred samym sebou mame niekde v sebe zakoreneny. Presne ten pocit, ktory teraz citite, ked to citate a rozmyslate nad tym :) Niesme vobec taki svati, ako si o sebe myslime. Aspon ja teda niesom. Z toho co som prave napisal som vinny viac, nez by som chcel...


Kniha bola super! Par rokov som ju klasifikoval ako najlepsiu knihu aku som kedy cital. Je to kniha o zivote v Indii a cital som ju pocas mojho pobytu v Pakistane, takze beriem do uvahy, ze to mohlo silne ovplyvnit moj celkovy pocit z nej. V podstate som bol denne vystaveny situaciam o akych sa v knihe pisalo a to mohlo spravit cele citanie omnoho viac putave. Kazdopadne by som ju urcite odporucal. Pise o zivote v Indickych slumoch, o indickej mafii a podsveti, chudobe, drogach, indickych vazeniach a aj vojne v Afghanistane. Je napisana podla skutocnych zazitkov autora, no zaroven sa mi nechce verit, ze to nie je aspon trosku prikraslene. Niektore udalosti boli podla mna az moc extrem na to aby boli realne.

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