Has Elon finally made it to the Mars? (Muscat, Oman)

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Is this Mars? That's the question I was asking myself over and over again last year in Oman. I was there...haha I was there actually exactly this week, but a year ago. That country is straight up crazy. I coudn't believe people live in such hostile environment. Daily temperatures were hitting 50 Celsius degrees, no problem. Muscat is the capital city and it felt that some god just came, put it there and left. It was just a sand, roads and buildings. And ACs. Looot of ACs. Oh yeah, and oil :D Just to avoid misunderstandings, I loved that country - especially people. Muslims proved me once again how superior they are in so many aspects compared to us Europeans. And once again, exactly like last week - I'm still wondering if this is a landscapephotography or cityscapephotography. Pleaase someone tell me! :D

Congratz Elon, you've made it!


Som na Marse? Tuto otazku som si neustale kladol pocas mojho vyletu v Omane. Bol som tam....haha jaka nahoda, bol som tam presne tento tyzden minuly rok. Nemohol som uverit, ze ludia naozaj ziju v tak nehostinnej krajine. Denne teploty vklude stupali az na 50 stupnov, a to bol Maj! Muscat je hlavne mesto Omanu a mal som pocit, akoby tam niekto to mesto zabudol. Bol tam len piesok, cesty a budovy. A klimatizacie. Veeela klimatizacii. Oh, a este ropa :D Ale nechapte ma zle, ta krajina bola super - hlavne ludia. Zas a znova som sa presvedcil, o kolko moc su moslimovia v mnohych veciach pred nami, zapadniarmi europanmi. No a znova, presne ako aj minuly tyzden - stale neviem, ci je toto landscapephotography alebo cityscapephotography. Prosiiiim pomozte mi niekto! :D

Brahozelam Elon, zvladol si to!

This is also my entry for today´s #cityscapephotography contest hosted by @juliank.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [3 months in Pakistan #3] Northern areas
  2. My first live MMA event
  3. [Podcast bits #2] Stephan Kesting with "Aikido vs MMA" guy (Rokas Leonavicius)
  4. Friday FUNDAY in the office - Superman helping people to cross the road
  5. "No buy, no problem. Just look good karma!"
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