SteemCommerce - Businesses accepting payment in steem (v 1 @ 15 December 2017)

Following on from my recent posts about businesses taking payment in steem I have gathered together a list of all the businesses that have declared themselves 'steem friendly'.

It is quite a mixed bag so far, and the businesses are thinly scattered. But it is a start.

As a community it will show encouragement and support if we can demonstrate the steem love and buy from these businesses.

In the first instance, and until it is much easier to sign up for a steem account and to get hold of steem, steem based business will have be sustained and nurtured from within the existing steem community.

So take a look, and see if there is anything that takes your steem fancy...

Businesses accepting payment in steem (v 1 @ 15 December 2017)

Bricks & Mortar

Online - General

Online - Specific

As well as these sites above there are also around 40 sites listed on that register as taking steem.

These include interesting sites such as Ballistic Bodyboards, DrApis Portuguese raw honey and PexPeppers Hot Sauces.

I am going to research all these sites further and include them in version 2 of this list as appropriate.

This has been a fascinating post to research and write. I feel I am only just scratching the surface. There is so much more to develop in the area of SteemCommerce.

While compiling this I came across an old post by @donkeypong . There is a gold rush coming - we just need to find the Jercos Entrepreneurs...

To encourage the wider adoption of steem for payments there will need to be more work both on the payment mechanism side and on the legal, accounting and taxations issues.

Maybe people like @lukestokes with his professional experience of online shopping systems and other developers with expertise will be able to contribute in this area as the demand grows.

I would also be interested to hear from people on steemit with experience in the financial and taxation areas to begin to explore guidelines for businesses wanting to take payments in steem.

This list is very much a rough format first draft. I am sure I have not found all the businesses taking steem so far.

If you run a business that does, or would like to, accept steem payments please post in the comments below or DM me on Discord @pennsif#9921. Likewise if you know of any businesses that should be on the list that I have missed let me know.

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[ graphic by @pennsif ]

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