Procrastination is one of your biggest obstacles to achieving what you want to achieve. We may never fulfill our wants because of lack of concentrated and strategic effort. We use excuses such as having no time. I would say a high percentage of people our not utilizing time correctly, wasting it on irrelevant things and not maximizing it.

I’ve done this for the longest time but now everyday counts and I continue to strive to maximize my time.

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Where is our time being used... Watching TV, browsing Facebook, going out to party?
If you were to spend all that time on the most productive things for your goals, you would easily 10x your productivity. This comes down to procrastination, energy focus, and lack of discipline.

When you sit down and get to work, do you focus intently or does your mind begin to wonder?

One problem that could be causing this is the work you are doing is boring and unrewarding. If the work consisted of watching your favorite tv show and eating your most delicious snack, you probably wouldn’t procrastinate.

Stress and Anxiety

When we feel anxious and stressed, our mind wants to turn to the source of that stress and focus on that – it doesn’t allow us to engage in the things we need to do. This is why we’ll often find ourselves killing time by browsing the web: it’s a little like burying your head in the sand and hoping the problem will go away. Ultimately, this is an example of you not being in control of your own mind.


Often, we are simply too tired to do the thing that we need to do. Sometimes we lack energy and will-power to such a degree that we can actually procrastinate before it’s time for bed! We find ourselves watching TV or browsing Facebook when all we want to do is sleep!

Discipline actually requires energy. Whenever we make any choice, making the harder choice actually requires energy. This is why we also tend to become less disciplined as it gets later in the day. Our will power is fatigued at this point, so we’ll often take the easy route.

Tomorrow I discuss how to end procrastination. Why discipline is so important and how to gain unstoppable amounts!


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My recent trip to Mexico

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