This Simple Trick Will Increase Your Brain Capacity and Performance

The average person is using just 5% of their brain capacity. Super achiever's use 20% and Olympians are using 40% of their brain capacity!!

How is this possible and how to we achieve the same results??

One Simple Trick

I have noticed over my life that the top performers, the best in the industry say one thing. I am going to be the best "_______" ever.

That is the simple hack that can boost you to using 35% more of you're brain capacity. Saying you will be the best their is.

Why is this the case?

When you say you just want to be something...let's use for example a crypto investor. You're brain will stay dormant if you just say you want to be something. It does not know what to do, how to turn on and start performing.

Words are powerful

When we say we are going to be the best crypto investor there is, it changes what we have to accomplish. You can't just start something and quit. You can't just give 10% effort and hope for the best. You have to go full blast, get all the information, put in all the effort to achieve a statement such as that.

This is why your brain will trigger and turn on, start giving you all the steps you need to take right now.

Try out this life hack and let me know if it works for you!


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