We are all constantly searching for happiness in life and this is nothing more then the love emotion.
The love emotion gives us so much in our lives that most are not aware of.
It is the ultimate emotion that gives us energy, motivation, happiness, intellect and clarity, health, makes us feel whole and contempt, increases our intuition that will give us the right questions to ask, give us the answers we need and ultimately push us towards our true personal purpose.
We constantly need to refill this love energy in ourselves without even knowing it. Most of us do it through the wrong ways that will have it fluctuating up and down causing an imbalance within ourselves.
We can do this from manipulating others of their energy, using substances, watching TV, using our cellphones, spending money, and the list goes on.
It does not have to be this way though and is not the best route. We can constantly have the love emotion in us and can do it in a beautiful way with ourselves without it fluctuating.
Watch the video below
How can we hold the love emotion naturally?
We can receive and hold this beautiful emotion in us through the beauty of the natural world.
Through nature, the environment, animals, real food, ourselves, and even people if we do it the correct way. The energy is abundant and unlimited so it is not needed to manipulate others for it or do it in the non-beneficial ways.
Allow yourself to embrace the beauty of the natural world and have the love fill yourself completely.
Let go of your ego as it will just try to survive and destroy love.
Where love lives, ego cannot survive. It's only goal is to bring you down through selfish means and scare you into thinking love is not the answer.
Love is truly magical when you allow it to completely engulf yourself.
When you apply it correctly you can have all the benefits mentioned above. You will magnify in life and have an aura that will attract all the most beautiful things you ever wanted in you're life.
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My recent trip to Mexico