Keeping friendships now and then / Udrzanie si priatelstviev v minulosti a dnes + NOVA TEMA


As (almost) every week, this is my entry to our weekly topic in #cesky tag. This time we're talking about friendships. Also, I was privileged to choose the topic for the next week so that's going to be part of the post as well. Let's gooo:

How my parents expected my friendships to die

When I was leaving hometown to start my studies, I've told my parents that we'll be renting a flat with several friends instead of living in dorms. They weren't really excited about my decision. "Your old friendships will die in couple of months and you'll be left on your own with only three friends left who share a flat with you. Real friendships are being made in dormitories and you won't have any friends in the class."

Why did they think that?

Well, our opinions are usually built on our previous experiences. My parents found their friends for life during University studies. Previous ones just slowly died. Why? Well, in 80's, if you left your hometown to go study, there werent' any means of daily communication with your old friends. Meeting them daily suddenly dropped to meeting once in couple of months and that resulted into bonds being weaker and weaker. There's this saying:

Use it or lose it
If you lock a bike into a garage for a winter, you also don't expect it to work flawlessly on he first day of spring as you take it out.

Why did my friendships last?

Interneeeet :) It's pretty different nowadays. Internet and modern technology allows me to keep in touch with friends on a daily basis. Yepp, it can be boring sometimes, just typing for hours, but I always keep in mind how much I love my friends and want to keep them. That alone gives me motivation to write them what's up even if I don't feel like doing it.

At least for me it works. My sis @zzuzza is about to start her studies this September. She's also renting a flat with couple of her friends. Parents didn't say anything against it this time. Ohh, first child always has to pave the road :/


Po mojom predchadzajucom poste o priatelstvach, ktory som zabudol otagovat #tematydne ma este napadla jedna vec. + este musim vymysliet temu a predat stafetu. Tak podme na to:

Ako si nasi mysleli, ze moje kamaratstva umru

Ked som siel na vysku a oznamil nasim, ze miesto intrakov ideme s par kamosmi byvat na privat, absolutne s tym nesuhlasili. Musim povedat, ze sa mi pacilo, ze sa ma vobec nesnazili presviedcat a respektovali moje rozhodnutie, ale dali mi jasne najavo, ze osobne si myslia, ze to nie je dobre rozhodnutie. Vraj, ze stare kamaratstva do roka opadnu a ja budem zrazu zavrety na byte s dvoma kamosmi a v triede nebudem nikoho poznat.

Preco si to mysleli?

Samozrejme, ze vzdy cerpame z nasich minukych skusenosti. Moji rodicia si nasli kamosov do zivota az na vyske. Takmer vsetky ich stredoskolske kamaratstva casom vybledli a zanikli. Preco? V osemdesiatych rokoch, ked siel clovek studovat do Bratislavy moc sposobov ako udrziavat kontakt s otatnymi na dialku nebol. Dennodennehy kontak sa zrazu zmenil na raz za dva mesiace. Podla citatu, ktory som raz niekde pocul, bolo ochabnutie vztahov prirodzene:

Ak to nepouzivas, strati to funkcnost
Ked zavrieme bicykel na zimu do pivnice, vacsinou nedufame, ze ked ho prveho aprila vytiahneme, bude hned pojazdny.

Preco moje kamaratstva teda prezili?

Interneeeet :) V dnesnej dobe je to uz vsetko ine. Ci pocas mojho studia v Bratislave, alebo aj teraz v Innsbrucku, vdaka internetu mozem denne s kamosmi udrziavat kontakt. Ano, niekedy to vie byt namahave alebo aj nudne, no robim to s vedomim, ze si mojich kamosov chcem udrzat. Verim, ze aj vdaka tomu si vzdy, ked sa stretneme mame co povedat.

Minimalne u mna to fungovalo. O tri mesiace zacina studovat @zzuzza. Tiez ide na privat s par kamosmi z Trencina. Nasi uz neprotestuju. Ach, ti prvorodeni to vzdy maju omnoho tazsie :/
Grape music festival in 2012 - we've lied on the ground and tried to persuade other people to join. It ended up like 30 people lying on the ground and singing :D / Na festivale v Piestanoch v 2012 - lahli sme si na zem a zacali presviedcat okoloiducich, nech sa pridaju. Nakoniec nas bolo nejak 30 :D

And this photo brings me to

New topic for the next week. It's sumer and music festivals are on! I'm going to Pohoda festival this weekend and am suuuperpumped about it. So I though that new topic could be "My best concert ever"

Thanks for reading!

A foto ma premostila kuuuu

novej teme tyzdna! Kedze je leto, tento vikend idem na Pohoda festival a vseobecne su festivaly su v plnom prude, napadlo ma, ze by bolo zaujimave vypocut si o Vazich zazitkoch a spomienkach na "Najlepsi koncert mojho zivota". Samozrejme, ze to eventualne moze byt nejaka opera, divadlo alebo proste nejake kulturne podujatie :) Dufam, ze sa tema bude pacit :) No a na dalsi tyzden nominujem @rosalinde, mam pocit, ze este nebola. Ak hej, tak potom @morous70.

Dik za precitanie!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. How married muslim, homosexual Latino and standard Europan celebrated their friendship in Barcelona
  2. You know it's month XXX when you see this in Innsbruck!
  3. 2 stories from communist regime in Czechoslovakia (don't take your freedom to travel for granted)
  4. Turning wheels, hoping for the best and how 4 seconds shutter speed surprised me | Mydailypost
  5. [Podcast quick facts #4] Joe Rogan Experience - Firas Zahabi

  6. Transparent-Discord-Travel.png

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