Turning wheels, hoping for the best and how 4 seconds shutter speed surprised me | Mydailypost



I've taken this picture yesterday night. I mean, it was technically today already. It was 2:30am and I was on my way home from getting some free food from containers :) And as I was crossing the bridge above the train station, I thought that I might want to play a bit with me new camera settings. I don't really remember what were the exact settings on this picture cuz it was more try-n-fail approach I was doing there. Kind of randomly turning those setting wheels and hoping for the best :D Ok, it wasnt really thaat baad - I knew approximately what should I change in which direction, but the actual values were tricky. I've made quite a lot of pictures, but this one seems to be the best one.

Cool thing was the first picture with longer shutter speed. I didn't really realize there's Igls (that mountain) behind the train station and in the dark I couldn't see it. And after camera made that nice sound of taking a picture and I've checked it on the screen - BOOOOM, I realized if I manage to do the settings right, it could really be a nice picture. Still not sure, if I couldn't actually made it muuuch better somehow.

Turning setting wheels and hoping for the best


Tuto foto som odfotil vcera v noci. Technicky to vlastne bolo uz dnes. Na hodinkach som mal 2:30 a bol som na ceste domov od kontajnerov s plnym batohom zeleniny :) Ako som prechadzal po moste ponad stanicu, uvedomil som si, ze by sa tam mozno dala spravit pekna fotka. Nepamatam presne, ake boli nastavenia na tejto konkretnej, no viem, ze nebola jedina. Vedel som akym smerom treba jednotlive settings ako ISO, aperture, shutter speed nastavit, no konkretne hodnoty mi boli fakt zahadou. Tak som tam teda tocil koleckami a fotil jednu za druhou :D Taky klasicky pokus-omyl pristup. Ale nakoniec mam pocit, ze fungoval. Mam viacero peknych fotos a toto je jedna z nich.

Super moment bol, ked som spravil prvu foto s dlhsie otvorenou spustou. Neuvedomoval som si, ze tam vzadu je Igls (ten kopec) lebo som ho v tme vobec nevidel. Az ked fotak spravil ten super zvuk a dal mi najavo, ze foto je hotova a ja som si ju pozrel - WAU! Vtedy som si uvedomil, ze mam sancu spravit fakt peknu foto. Stale si niesom ale vonkoncom isty, ci nemohla ta foto nahodou byt s inymi nastaveniami hoc aj 5x krajsia.

Otacanie kolieckami a dufanie, ze motyka vystreli

This is also my entry for today´s #longexposurephotography contest hosted by @juliank and also Mydailypost by @sol25 and @leyargoz Sunday - Free Topic

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [Podcast quick facts #4] Joe Rogan Experience - Firas Zahabi
  2. Freedom to choose a (right) mindset
  3. When passangers are heavier than the vehicle itself
  4. Murder on Sonnenburgstrasse?
  5. My sport transformation (Ball games -> Fitness -> Calisthenics -> Slackline -> Handstands -> Jiu jitsu)

  6. Transparent-Discord-Travel.png

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