BoilerRoom #1 @MADE by ILLY on 15/4/2018!

Photo Courtesy of @aaronleang

This week was one of the weeks that both Tifa and I having a full schedule on our Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday we volunteer in STEP 2018 while Sunday we spent the almost whole day (other than lunch hour) with the #teammalaysia community! Not complaining but rather it was a very productive and awesome weekend for both of us! We were so glad that we joined the boiler room to get boiled!

So, we wake up around 12 pm (Sunday, you know right!) and went to Kanna Curry House for our lovely lunch. When we reached CMCR at TTDI, we saw the cafe was full of people and we thought some of them might already here so we tour the entire cafe for 1 round and couldn't find them. Then, I saw a message from @joannewong that we gonna change the venue due to CMCR was too pack and they were unable to get ready our table on time. So we went to MADE by ILLY instead.

The Boiler Cafe - MADE by ILLY

MADE by ILLY was located nearby to CMCR, luckily the cafe wasn't packed and all of us able to fit in the cafe. The place was really great and chill yesterday and very quiet compared to CMCR.

Warm Up!

Long Black to start off my wonderful Sunday!

Everyone started to find their own seat, turned on their laptop, and order food or coffee. While waiting the rest of the Steemian, all of us were so happy to meet each other and we chit chat for a while.

Let's the Boiling Begin!

@tifaong, @manish86jha, & @srinivaskm

@maverickfoo gave us a short briefing on how the boiler room works so that in future some of us can organize such events to other Steemian. He guides us on how to use 25-25-25 method to write a post which means the first 25 minutes we will research on a topic that we want to write, second 25 minutes we focus on writing without research, and the last 25 minutes we focus on formatting and editing the post. So, in total, we will spend roughly 75 minutes per post.

Mav recommends us to write using "The Most Dangerous" app which is a very dangerous tool for a writer. You may more information on the app online. So, the 25 minutes will break into 3 rounds 5-10-10 minutes and after each round completed we were earned our toilet break.

After 25 minutes of non-stop writing using "The Most Dangerous" app, I found that I have written about 1200 words in total, however, the structure of the post was totally out of order. That where the last 25 minutes comes in, to edit and format my post properly.

Even though using "The Most Dangerous" app to write is a good way to focus on writing. However, for me, I will spend even more time to do the formatting and editing. I think I prefer writing using the editor. It might or might not take longer time but at least my post flow is more structural.

@bryanps5230, @kchitrah, @maverickfoo, @zord189, @joannewong, @karinzdailygrind, @buzz.lightyear, @aaronleang, and my laptop.

Dinner @ Super Saigon!

Food, food, and food! Every teammalaysia meetup we will end with food! No exception! Most of us were super hungry because we squeeze our brain juice so much to write our post and we deserved a good meal for dinner! :)

Group photo again!


@bryanps5230 (Aaron so fast to help Bryan to create a new account huh!)



List of BoilerRoom Post by Our Participants/Moderators

  1. Liburan Produktif Bersama Team Malaysia by @fararizky
  2. Steemians Being Boiled to Get Their Epic Contents Out by @maverickfoo
  3. 38: My Experience @ The First Ever Steemit Boiler Room by @karinzdailygrind
  4. BoilerRoom #1 - Kickstart Off Successfully by @aaronleang
  5. Team Malaysia | The Boiler Room Initiative 15.04.2018 by @zord189

Note: All photos are taken by me unless stated otherwise
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