New Zealand Eases CBD Restrictions

Just this week, the NZ Associate Minister of Health, Peter Dunne, announced that he is taking the appropriate steps to see that CBD is no longer categorized as a controlled drug in the country.

With the proposed changes, that means that CBD could be prescribed just like any other medicine. Those in the country who need CBD will no longer be required to first get ministerial approval; once the changes are implemented.

Cannabis and CBD advocates in the country have celebrated the announcement.

There are many in the country who are eager to see some changes, a number of children who would like to try CBD to help with their seizures, and more. Thousands of children around the world are currently using CBD to help them with seizures, because of the success that many children have had it's no surprise that the word has spread and that many are now turning in this direction and want to try this product for themselves and their own illness.

Dunne admits that the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs (the EACD) helped to convince him of the much needed change, the requirement to reassess the categorization of CBD. Dunne also said that the Cabinet was in support of the changes and it's believed that this is just one small step on a journey to achieving the larger picture of full legalization in the country.

At the moment, recreational cannabis still remains illegal to grow or possess in New Zealand. Medicinal use is allowed to some extent; it's strictly controlled.

Dunne has called out doctors in New Zealand for their reluctance to get on board with supporting the initiative of patients to look into cannabis. Dunne suggests that prejudice is clouding their judgment in the matter and some of them aren't putting the interest of the patients above their own prejudice in the matter.

He says some doctors fear being labeled “Dr. Dope” and he has urged them to be more open minded on the matter. And for the sake of the liberty of the many people within the country who would like to try CBD or cannabis for one reason or another, I too hope that they'll be able to access it there without the fear of the state initiating violence on them in return for it.

Why leave children, or anyone, suffering if there is something as simple as CBD that could offer them some remedy?

Dunne, being the government health official that he is, supports a strict environment and regime surrounding the cannabis and CBD market. But at least they are trying to do something in the way of giving more access to CBD to those who need it; if that is what they end up achieving in the end.

Nathan Denette/Canadian Press via
tipsvoortwee - via


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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