With a love spirit of giving here are some recent examples I have found and contribute to.
"One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others." ~ Lewis Carroll
For those who may have noticed me, may see that part of my philosophy and being is related to this idea doing for others. Recently I noticed a post by @inphiknit entitled #SteemGigs Offer (3rd Time FTW?)🌀 Now With 24 + 9 SBD Up for Grabs! (With SARDINES?!)
#SteemGig Mission: To give to a charitable organization, at least 2x, full or nearly full, green garbage type bags (or the equivalent,) of used (but clean and still usable,) clothing, toys, books, linens, shoes, or other necessities... (If you have lots of big, bulky stuff like blankets or jackets, let's please make it 3 bags!)
With a support for #steemgigs and an interest in charity I offered to add a little extra to these prizes to help support the shared efforts of everyone involved.
Love this idea! So much so that please let me know as I will send prizes too.
Then took notice of a few that had decided to participate!:
Transfer 0.818 SBD to skye1 ❤ charity
(from @virtualgrowth)
Participating in the steemgigs charity offer by /@thatsweeneyguy
As a response to a post by @inphiknit, I have bagged clothes, a couple blankets, and stuffed animals into bags and dropped them at my local charity drop box.
Transfer 0.718 SBD to thatsweeneyguy ❤ charity
(from @virtualgrowth)
Getting paid to do something I already do VIA #steemgig (helping the less fortunate) by @drpuffnstuff
@inphiknit posted a #steemgig offering some SBD's to someone if they went and donated clothes,toys,or books. He also offered up some brownie points if we got kinds involved and donated sardines as well... Shhh, nobody tell him its not REALLY donating if I'm getting paid some SBD's! I have donated a lot already though. Something my parents have encouraged since I was a little kid. I have some interesting experiences doing charity work and donating. But nothing I will share here today. I'm here to tell you about the first time I made something for donating the things I wont use to someone who definitely will!
Transfer 0.918 SBD to drpuffnstuff ❤ charity
(from @virtualgrowth)
Upon success of the idea @inphiknit made a shall we say Proof of giving
post: Charity #Steemgig Update 🌀 and x3 Cheers for @thatsweeneyguy & @drpuffnstuff !!!
So then, the offer remains open for a 3rd person to receive 7 (or 8 with kids' help) SBD for donating clothing, books, toys, etc. And there are two more 2 (or 3 with kids' help) SBD rewards for donating 2 tins of sardines still available. You can see the details to participate here!
If you are up to the challenge join us and if we find more than two participants in the near future I'll reward some of the others!
Recently I found this post by @sykochica, First I want to tell you a little story about what happened to me many months ago on Steemit.
Like so many others, I was brand new, figuring things out over time and starting to feel that my content was pretty good. After a couple months of working hard on my posts, I was getting a little rattled by the lackluster response. Just by happenstance, I ended up chatting a little bit with @knozaki2015 who gave me some supportive words, a few suggestions and a five dollar 'tip'. THIS BLEW ME AWAY and was an instant boost.
"Could someone get me a list of people that I could send Steem to? Have thought about entertaining sending Steem to a whole bunch of people to spread the wealth. Am also going to have to make a post to match you on this. :)" ~ @virtualgrowth
So liquid STEEM from this post will be reserved to given away to others in some way, shape, or form. Please feel free to suggest ideas by comment / reply.
Transfer 25.000 STEEM to whatsup 25 Steem matching contribution
(from @virtualgrowth)
Have initially sent STEEM to match sykochica's tips sent to @whatsup
Receive 25.000 STEEM from sykochica To give 5 tips to others
I'm going To Tip a Minnow or 10 - Encouraging End-User Retention.
@skyochica came to me last night to ask if I would help find struggling users on SteemIt to encourage with a small tip of 5 steem. The intention is to find some people who are working hard on SteemIt, but maybe just haven't found their sweet spot yet. They are perhaps becoming frustrated and the tip is potentially just an act of encouragement. You can find sykochica's post about the initiative below.
Please help us share our STEEM and spread our new found wealth to help with user retention or other values that will help STEEM grow like the donations that show the STEEM symbol as kind of demonstration of what we can utilize STEEM for.
Lastly some sort of honorable mention: Why I Clean Parks & Playgrounds For Free (Original Blog) by @verbal-d
Do I get paid to clean parks & playgrounds? No, but I do it anyway because it's the right thing to do. When I take my 3 year old daughter Harmony, @happyharmonymay
I'll still be continuing accepting donations until I can reach my goal to fly out to america with my children and wife to visit my family as it is very urgent indeed.
He's raised about $1924 of his goal to bring his family to America some day if interested in helping as many the community already have with his post: Happy New Years To You! & Happy Birthday To Me & A Special Request For Help!
Steem on! / Namaste / Best,
Images sources on relative linked pages and giphy & fanpop