Fifty-word challenge prompt!

It's time to launch a new prompt for the 50-word short story challenge. (A bit late! Thanks for your patience.) Each week this challenge invites writers to produce a micro-fiction story in just 50 words, based on a one-word prompt. Please be sure to read their wonderful work, and maybe even give it a try.

In this post you will find a weekly feature — a short micro-fiction writing workshop to help new and seasoned 50-word short story writers — as well as a review of last week's stories, a few story highlights, and a new challenge prompt.

First, a newsflash!

I did have a really exciting thing happen this past week. I learned that my short story, Forward and Back, won the Steemfest Ticket Giveaway Contest, which means I will be heading to Krakow, Poland for Steemfest 3!

And that leads into the workshop content for this post: challenges and contests.

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(Image credit: Original image by rawpixel, Pixabay)

Mini writing workshop

Today's workshop is about entering writing contests and challenges. The fact that you're reading this means I am most likely preaching to the choir. You don't need anyone to tell you that it's a great kick in the derriere to have a challenge or contest deadline pushing you to complete stories.

But it is. What's more, I believe that each time you write a piece of fiction for a contest or a challenge, you get a little better. Maybe you read the work of other writers who are entering the contest to see what kinds of things they are producing. And maybe that spurs you on to create your best work.

Maybe you've been resistant to asking people for an opinion of your story and if there is anything you could do to make it better, whether because you are afraid of what they might say, or you just don't feel like dealing with edits.

But maybe, just maybe, you realize that to write well, and to truly compete in contests, you are going to have to get feedback, take some time editing, and up your game. That is most definitely a positive outcome.

Okay, let's survey the 50-word stories from last week.

Last week's story collection

I’d like to welcome our newest contributors, @goastrighter and @tristancarax. Thanks for joining the Fifty Worders!

Here is the complete list of stories inspired by last week's “chase” prompt:

If I missed yours, please let me know and I will add it! I always try my best to list them all, but I do occasionally miss one.

Highlights of the week

Each week I choose a few well-crafted stories from the previous week's entries to share as inspiration for us all. Enjoy this sampling from all the wonderful contributions from last week.

Grace, by @gaby-crb

Some people's names just don't seem to fit. (Note: I made one small edit on this story, making "Forgetting" the beginning of a new sentence to avoid what is called a "comma splice." To learn about this issue and more, work with one of the wonderful writing groups on Discord.)
A girl bounded down the stairs in her home.

Her Gran was round for tea. That usually meant presents.

She ran into the kitchen. Forgetting her fluffy socks and the tiled floor don’t mix, she landed in a heap on the ground.

“Why ever did you name the girl Grace?”

Myself and the Bus, by @goastrighter

This author, new to the 50-Word Challenge, poses a life question, wrapped in a daily life metaphor. Be sure to read the interesting discussion about conflict and resolution in his post!
I step out and see the bus down the street. There is heavy traffic, "Can I make it, by the next stop?"

I set off, but for every pace I advance, the bus creeps farther away.

So much like my ever striving to achieve the self I yearn to become.

Dream Chaser, by @hlezama

This mesmerizing story is accompanied by a must-read backstory. Do you believe our loved ones come back to protect and watch over us?
"Chase your dreams!", his Grandma told him in his sleep.

She died that day. Her lost mind rested.
It took young Antonio three buses, three planes, 90 hours to get from Cumaná to Mar de Plata.

No video game had ever provided him such adventure.

This was just level one.

"Pursue That Car!" by @ahmadmanga

It's funny what people perceive as an important or enjoyable role in life.
He overpaid me with a smirk. He thanked me while keeping his gun away from my sight. I believe it's empty now, anyway.

We bid each other farewell.

Relieved, I returned home.

My wife might object, but I love the thrill of being the Taxi guy of Mafia Town.

Moonfall, by @creatr

I love the richness of the storyline in this piece. Head to the story via the link to read the backstory.

He should've turned back, but the rare specimen projecting from the crater ledge below was irresistible. Stretching to reach it, he'd fallen.

Brad slowly pulled himself up, stubby spacesuit gloves scrabbling for purchase on the steep, friable slope.

Finally, he lay panting on the crater rim, prize in hand.

Defenceless Orangutans, by @poetrybyjeremy

When I read this story, I felt as if I had just walked onto the set of a movie. Nice work, Jeremy.
Screams filled the forest. “It’s getting away!”

“Not on my watch.” Ora swung between tree branches until the perpetrator stood alone in barren land. She leapt forward, slamming her body weight onto its metallic back.

“W-what? It’s invincible.”

The creature jerked its mechanical limbs and flung Ora to the ground.

Cops and Robbers, by @cizzo

Things are not as they seem!
Red and blue lights flash. A cop car in hot pursuit of a yellow dump truck. The truck slams into a wall. Robbers slinging bags of stolen cash and Tommy guns spill out.

“Blam! Blam!” Gun blasts.

A shriek pierces the scene:

“Timmy! Put away your toys. Time for supper.”

Wonderful work, everyone!

This week's 50-word story prompt

The prompt for this week is “if." Deadline for this week: Saturday, September 29th, with a grace period until the new prompt is published.

I look forward to reading your stories, Fifty Worders!


Please review and follow the guidelines for proper use of images.

Note that

  1. Write a story in 50 words. (Try to hit 50 words exactly.)
  2. Use the #fiftywords tag, and post the link in the comments of this post.
  3. Be sure to read and upvote the work of the other participants. It's all about community!
  4. Use only artwork that you have the right to use, and attribute it properly. See the following guidelines.

Proper use of images

Proper use of images means one of the following:
  1. The image is public domain, or under creative commons licensing rules.
  2. It is your own image.
  3. If it is not one of the above, you must have actual permission.
Be sure to properly attribute the image’s source or mention that the image is yours. And if it's not public domain, under creative commons license, or your own image, be sure to state that you have permission.

I have two resources for you, from my friends at @thewritersblock:

And speaking of @thewritersblock, it's a great place to hang out and rub elbows with other writers. Check them out on Discord.

The 50-word story clan

I'm mentioning you here if have participated in the #fiftywords short story challenge in the past. Please let me know if you would like your tag removed in this or future posts. (Note that I do trim the list. Those who have not participated for a long time or are not active on Steemit will eventually drop from the mentions.)

@ablaze, @adigitalife, @aggroed, @agmoore, @ahmadmanga, @akdx, @aksounder, @aleli, @alexandered, @alheath, @andersonrivas, @anikekirsten, @anixio, @anonymummy, @anutu, @aresbon

@bagpuss, @beginningtoend, @bex-dk, @blueteddy, @botefarm, @brectar, @bryarose23

@caleblailmusik, @carn, @celsius100, @cheekah, @cizzo, @clacrax, @creatr

@damianjayclay, @dbzfan4awhile, @deirdyweirdy, @desmoniac, @diebitch, @dirge, @donnest, @drahries

@eaglespirit, @elbrujo, @elementm, @emergehealthier, @emwalker, @enjar, @erh.germany, @eroticabian, @esttyb, @evgsk

@fairyhedgehogg, @feebie, @felixgarciap,, @ficciones, @four20, @foxfiction, @foxyspirit, @fromage

@gaby-crb, @gaming-stuff, @girlbeforemirror, @gmatthe2, @goastrighter

@haisa, @happyhairdays, @henry-gant, @hlezama

@iamthegray, @intothewild, @isa93

@jadams2k18, @janine-ariane, @jasminearch, @jayna, @jluvs2fly, @jonknight,

@kaelci, @kally, @khadija14, @kimberlylane, @kingspiration, @ktfabler

@lightoj, @liverussian, @lucylin, @luiskrupaz

@marciabon, @marie-jay, @mineopoly, @mizdais, @momzillanc, @mydivathings

@negativer, @niallon11

@olakunle10, @opiman

@paintingangels, @papacrusher, @phillyc, @pizzachain, @poeticnest, @poetrybyjeremy, @preparedwombat, @prydefoltz, @purpledaisy57, @pyrowngs

@ravencorinn, @rensoul17, @riottales, @rodrigocabrera, @roxy-cat, @rvag5

@sidequest, @spalatino, @stbrians, @steemgiant, @steemitdiversify, @sue-stevenson

@tanglebranch, @thatlovechild, @theironfelix, @therosepatch, @thinknzombie, @tuwore, @tygertyger

@vaitelavicius, @vdux

@yeceniacarolina, @yimiipsa, @zen-art

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you try the 50-word challenge. It's so fun to see what can unfold in a mere 50 words!

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