Just a tree in a field: A 50-word short story

Here is my 50-word flash fiction story for this week's prompt, "field." Be sure to visit this week's prompt post to see all the wonderful entries from the amazing #fiftywords contributors!

Just a tree in a field

(Image credit: Pixabay image by JuergenPM)

It was our tree. We climbed to the highest branches to see distant lands. We hid from bandits. We soared over mountains with our twin engine’s propellers popping and spitting in the altitude. Remember, Davey? Old Farmer Jenkins yelled so loud if he caught us. Until the emphysema got him.

Thank you for reading!

Here's my collection of 50-word stories:
Nathan’s waterfall
A walk in the woods
The church mouse
The farmers' market
The tiny hunter
The map
Ghost fair
Departure from Castle Island
Conspirators and lies
Getting to know you
The man in hiding
Mermaid dreams
Time to say goodbye


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