Getting to know you

This is a a 50-word short story based on a "zoo" prompt by @miniature-tiger. These very short short stories are a huge challenge for me, because I tend to write very lengthy sentences and lengthy stories. In this story I'm trying to convey in exactly 50 words that feeling when a courtship is not going well. It's one of the sillier things I've written, inspired by the picture of the giraffe.

Getting to know you

Image source: Pixabay

The zoo was Reed’s idea. Sheila said sure. She liked lemurs.

In the Africa area, Reed pointed. “Hey, that giraffe looks like you.”


It was their second date. The first was beer at Mel’s.

“I mean... you have a nice long neck.”

Sheila pointed. “That baboon looks like you.”

Thank you for reading!


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