Giving Back: Nepal - Four Worthwhile Causes to Support

Last month I began my Giving Back series highlighting some good work being done right here in Thailand: Giving Back: Thailand - Four Worthwhile Causes to Support

This month I wanted to continue the tradition by highlighting some of the good work doing in another country I've spent a lot of time in: Nepal.

Photo by @suitcasemama

Nepal is a beautiful country with some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. While they're making progress in their development, they still rank 144 out of 188 countries in the UN's Human Development Index.

Thankfully, there are groups of dedicated people trying to make a difference in Nepal. In an effort to shed some light on some of the good work that is being done, today I want to highlight four organizations that are contributing to positive change in Nepal. Most of these are organizations that @suitcasemama and I have personally supported in one way or another.

1. Nepal Youth Foundation

Source: Nepal Youth Foundation

  • Focus: Nepal Youth Foundation's goal is to help Nepal’s most impoverished children.
  • How they help: Active since the 1980s, NYF provides education support, vocational training, nutrition outreach, HIV/AIDS treatment and education, and runs homes for children.
  • How you can help: you can donate, fund-raise, and help spread the word. Click here for more information on how you can get involved.

2. Love Does Orphanage and School

Source: Love Does

  • Focus: Children
  • How they help: Love Does operations in Nepal are fairly small - they run an orphanage for five or six girls and a school for 43 kids. Having such a small operation in Nepal makes supporting Love Does more intimate.
  • How you can help: You can volunteer in the Love Does office in San Diego, California, sponsor a child, fundraise, or donate. Find out more here

3. Bodhisattvas in Action (BIA)

Source: Boddhisattvas In Action (BIA)

  • Focus: People with disabilities
  • How they help: BIA provides vocational training, skill development for people with disabilities. They run many institutes which provide training in bamboo handicrafts, cell phone repair, statue carving, and organic farming, to name a few. @suitcasemama was able to volunteer with BIA for three months after the earthquake and shot the photos for their 2016 calendar!
  • How you can help: you can donate or volunteer. For more details check out BIA's website

4. Australian Himalayan Foundation

Source: Australian Himalayan Foundation

  • Focus: Education, health, and environmental sustainability
  • How they help: AHF trains teachers to better instruct their students, supports access to vital health services especially for women and girls, and supports local wildlife conservation including some very interesting snow leopard conservation work! There are only 3,500 left in the world, many of which are in Nepal.
  • How you can help: If you're in Australia you can attend an AHF event, or you can donate or volunteer in Nepal. Find out more here

Do you live in Nepal or are you planning a visit? Have you spent holidays here and feel a connection to the country? Are you Nepali and looking to get more involved with your community? Whatever your motivation, whether you're just passing through or live in Nepal, please consider Giving Back and supporting these worthwhile causes. There are no shortage of giving opportunities in Nepal! There are a ton of local and international organizations doing good work in country.

I hope you're inspired to look into some of the good work that's being done in Nepal - I encourage you to Give Back as you're able!

Do you support any causes in Nepal? If so, share them below in the comment section!

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Allow Me to Introduce Myself! | Husband / Father / Humanitarian / Traveler / Expat Abroad


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