Pennsif's Pot (must change this name) - Giving Away US$50 and US$100 Grants - Pitch your Proposal

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about why I was winding down my A Dollar A Day daily giving project, and instead moving to a more direct giving programme.

The essence of this new giving project is that each month I will give away a single one-off grant to an individual or charitable cause.

I am launching this project today with an initial test grant of US$50 equivalent to be awarded at the beginning of February.

Assuming this test run goes according to plan then subsequently there will be monthly grants of US$100 equivalent.

The grants will be available to anyone on the steem blockchain - that can be individuals for their own use, individuals representing charitable causes, or charitable causes themselves.

To bid for the grant you must make a post outlining what you want the money for and why you need it from this grant fund.

The post should contain :

  1. Information about you or the charitable organisation you represent.

  2. Details about what you want to do with the money, including some level of budget breakdown.

  3. The timescale and plan of action for what you are going to do with the money.

  4. Details of any additional money you are adding to the project, and other sources you have tried for the project.

Note that any images used in the post must have copyright permission to use and be fully sourced and credited.

The grant funding will be open to all causes and areas, but the giving will likely reflect my personal areas of interest that include :

  • alternative and complimentary therapies
  • education - particularly around sustainability and self-reliance, and homeschooling
  • homesteading and prepping
  • rural development - particularly involving renewable energy technologies
  • small business entrepreneurship
  • wildlife conservation.

Proposals to promote steem and steemit will also be considered.

Applications are open to anyone anywhere in the world, but the application posts must be in English or Spanish.

How to apply

  1. Make a post giving details of what you want the money for - make sure you cover all the points in the list above.

  2. Include a link in the post back to this post (or the latest equivalent post by me).

  3. Make a comment below including a link to your proposal.

  4. Resteem this post to help the project get more visibility.

  5. Make sure you get your proposal in by midnight UTC on Wednesday 31 January 2018.

I will be reviewing all the proposals as they come in.

After 31 January I will review all the proposals and then during the first week of February I will select one proposal to receive the US$50 grant.

The winner will be announced in an announcement post by 7 February 2018.

The grant will be transferred to the winning proposer as the equivalent value of steem at the exchange rate at the time of the winning announcement post.

Alternatively, for most countries, I will be able to send US$50 via PayPal or TransferWise.

The winner should complete the project that the grant is for within 3 months of the grant award.

The winner of the grant will be expected to make at least one post showing how the money was spent. To encourage this will I will give a full upvote to any such post (up to a maximum of five posts).

This first grant giving is very much a test run to develop and refine how this type of direct grant giving works best on the steem blockchain.

I welcome any suggestions or feedback on how to improve the process. I am also looking for a better name for the project.

If this first run works well then from February onwards the monthly grant fund will be increased to US$100 equivalent.

Should the post rewards connected with this project be much greater than the grant fund then the extra rewards will be rolled into additional grants.

If there are no suitable proposals in any given month I reserve the right to roll over the grant fund into the next month's funding round, and double up on the grant for that month.

This project is supported by @GMuxx who also supported the A Dollar A Day daily giving project. @GMuxx is now a witness and would welcome your vote.

If anyone else would like to support this project please let me know.

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[ money image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0 ]

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