A Challenge for 2018 - can I sign up 100 new people to steemit in one year? #signup100

This afternoon I helped @cryptojelly get set up on steemit.

@cryptojelly is the fourth person I have got on board steemit this year.

Getting new people on to the platform is vital if we want steemit to reach critical mass and really stake its claim in the social landscape of the internet.

I have seen amazing work being done around the world by people recruiting new steemians.

In her radio show this afternoon @beanz mentioned @ahmedyusuf who is helping people in large numbers in Aceh in Indonesia get on board steemit.

In the Philippines @steemph.cebu and steemit members like @jassennessaja are growing numbers every day.

Projects like @stach and steemians like @ejemai and @greatness96 are doing great works in Nigeria bringing new people on to the platform.

@reko is signing up a whole bunch of people in Sweden with his Word-of-Mouth Promo campaign.

At the higher level the #promo-steem campaign led by @stephenkendal, @starkerz and @anarcotech is now moving into top gear with the launch of the new website and the @steem-ambassador program.

In my little corner of Britain I have arranged the first Wales steemit meetup on 10 February. As part of that I have set a target of a 100% increase in the number of active steemians in Wales from 15 to 30 by 31 March.

I am wondering though if I should set myself a more challenging target. We have already recruited a third of our Wales target of 15 for the first quarter and it is only 8 January.

For me that has been one new steemian every two days. I am not sure I can sustain that throughout the year - but how about one every three days or so...?

So this is my challenge, and this is my pledge to the steemit community :

I will do my very best to sign up 100 new people to stemmit by the end of 2018.

Anyone else fancy picking up the challenge with me?

Imagine if 1000 people (that is one in every 50 active steemians) around the world joined the #signup100 challenge?

That would be another 100,000 new steemians - almost a 20% increase on the current account numbers.

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[ graphics by @pennsif ]

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