Computer-Generated Chess Problem 01829

Published online for the first time, consider this KQBP vs kqp chess problem generated by a computer using the Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate (DSNS) computational creativity approach. The DSNS does not use endgame tablebases, neural networks or any kind of machine learning found in traditional artificial intelligence (AI). You can learn more about the DSNS here.

8/2q5/5Q2/2p5/2k1P3/8/2K3B1/8 w - - 0 1
Chesthetica v10.57 : Selangor, Malaysia
White to Play and Mate in 3 : 2018.1.1 9:44:28 AM
Solvability Estimate = Moderate

The chess problems are published chronologically based on the composition date and time. However, later compositions may have an earlier version of Chesthetica listed because more than one computer (not all running the same version of the program) is used. White is significantly ahead in material. The default solving time of 30 seconds may be too short for you if the problem is difficult so feel free to hit the pause button and solve at your own pace. Do share and try out some of the others too. Over time, the tactics you see in these puzzles will help you improve your game. If you're bored of standard chess, though, why not try this?

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