Prepare your Children against Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is the most common problem in any part of the world. Most of the children do not even realize that they have been abused since they do not have the capacity to understand the Good touch and the Bad touch of these monsters....

The statistics show that at an average 1 out of 10 girls and 1 out of 50 boys under the age of 18 go through sexual abuse and this happens normally most of the time within the family itself or by known family members or in school premises. Its such a shameful act that where the children need to be protected and taken care by the elders the same elders are doing such nasty acts.

Source: Pixabay

Most of the time the children do not even realize that they have been abused, or there are some children who realize but they do not have guts to speak out or there are even some cases where the children inform their parents, but the parents try to keep them quiet due to feeling shameful in the society. Its so disgusting when the parents themselves don't support.

There are times when these childhood traumas go all the way with the Child's life an impact them in many ways. I had a case sometime back where a Girl who is now 35 but she was abused by her House cleaner when she was around 6. She did inform her mother, The mother did not know how to deal with this situation so the only thing she did was removed the House cleaner and asked her daughter to forget the whole incident and never talk about it. She has never been able to forget this incident and it has been constantly playing on her mind, and she suffers with severe migraine problem.

As responsible parents and elders in the family it becomes our duty to prepare our children against such abuse. A few things that we can do are:

1.Educate the child on the Good Touch and Bad Touch: Educate them on which are their body parts which are public and which are private. Which that can be touched in public and by anyone, and which that cannot be touched by anyone at any point of time. Do not feel shy about talking to your children and educating them, answer all their queries be it whatever. Like you would teach them parts of the body, make them understand the private parts functions also.

2.Be Mindful of your own Behavior: As elders in the family you need to be very mindful about your own acts in front of your children. They will learn what they see and if they say vulgar behaviors from your side, they will not be able to identify the right and wrong.

3.Teach them not to take anything from strangers and not to talk to them: Teach your children to not give our their personal information such as address, telephone numbers to any strangers. If they see any stranger trying to make more conversation with them and trying to touch them in anyway, they should immediately let their parent know about it.

4.Do not put fear in your Child about Sexual abuse: The important thing is to educate them and not scare them. If your try to panic them they will become overcautious and start doubting every person.

As Parents and Elders in the family it becomes our responsibility to protect our Children. Whenever a Child is trying to tell you about these experiences make sure that you listen to them, believe in them and remain calm.

Give them confidence that they have not done anything wrong. Make them feel safe and get immediate help for them.

Support your Children and Make them feel safe. It is our responsibility to allow our Children to grow in Healthy and Safe Environment.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

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