Light up your life - My home made Crystal Candles

Its Festive time and everyone is in the mood of celebrations. We are all looking at ways and means to uplift the whole energy bar in our space and for our self too...

Very much I am in the same mood, so I thought of doing something that would fill up my space with all the brightness and positivity it can. For that nothing can be better than Candles. I normally buy all my Candle stock, but this time I thought of making candles by myself. It has been on my mind for a very long time but guess the right moment was not coming through.

The little add on I have here is I have made Crystal Candles, as everyone knows Crystals is something very close to my heart. So this was an idea of mixing up my two favorite things and creating something beautiful.

A scented Candle can give us a very good Aromatherapy, Candles can also help us in elevating our mood and emotions. Candles are good for meditation and a candle made with good essential oil can also help keep your home germs free.

Eventually it is my dream to build up my Product Line around Crystals under my brand SoulSpace and for sure Crystal Candles is one of them.

I present my first set of home made Candles. I have used the color Green, fragrance of Lemon Grass and mix of crystal chips (more of clear quartz) for the first lot. Green is the Color of Prosperity and Abundance, Lemongrass has Antioxidant effects and clear quartz crystal are energy amplifiers.

Its not a perfect outcome of how a fancy Candle at a store would be, but I am happy with my first attempt and the outcome.

Crystal Candles can be used for:

While doing any divination work
During Healing sessions

The Color and Crystals will play a specific role for the purpose it needs to be used for. E.g. For relationships one can use a Pink color with Rose Quartz crystals.

I am open to take suggestions and tips on Candle making.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

Image Source- Self Clicked

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