Magic of Crystals #7 - Welcome Abundance and Power with – Citrine

As we approach to the end of this year and look forward to the New Year, we also look forward to new beginnings..

Today I bring you the Crystals for Success and Prosperity, the charming Citrine.

The folklore of this crystal is that it was widely used in the period of Atlantis as a healing tool, specially connected with the Sun to release any form of negativity and to bring in the Sun energy. Known as Crystal of the Sun.

Citrine is a great aid to release the past which does not serve any good to you, when you release the old you make way for new to come into your life.

Citrine is a wonderful yellow crystal, similar like a Topaz. You find Citrine majorly from the region of Brazil, Britain, North America, France and Russia. You can be very easily cheated with a Citrine, as it’s difficult to get a Natural Citrine.
A lot of them sell the heat treated Quartz or Amethyst and make it a Citrine. If you want to purchase one, make sure you get it from a very reliable source who can vouch for the authenticity. It would be almost impossible to say if you get a fake one unless you use it and feel the effects of it. It is also said that the real Citrines started their lives as Amethyst but over a period of time they got heated by Mother Earth in volcanic activities and changed their appearance.

You will find a few of them with a mix of Amethyst and Citrine which are known as Ametrine and their appearance is very gorgeous.

Citrine is a Crystal for the Solar Plexus Chakra, Your personal power & personality lies in your Solar Plexus Chakra and hence this Crystal helps best in one’s Self –Development.

Citrine are very good attractors of Money & Abundance, when I say Abundance it is abundance in every area of life and not only money. Citrine also assist in building up our Creative abilities. They aid in building up concentration and tackle poor memory problems.

Citrine can be kept in one’s work place, or in the wealth corner of your home. Citrine are very good to wear in ring form specially when dealing with finances.

Citrine sometime can get heavy with direct contact on the skin, you might feel a sudden surge in your energy levels and if you are unable to manage the excess energy it can create a disturbance, you will notice this within 2 to 3 days of wearing, in such cases you can have them around and not have a direct contact with the skin.

Citrines are very good to use in Prosperity grids. I personally love to make an Infinity Grid of Citrines.


Some Tricks with Citrine

Take a bottle, put 3 pennies along with a few Citrine tumbles into a bottle and close the bottle, put it in your home or workplace. Whenever you think about your finances shake the magic bottle. You kind of attract Abundance with this trick.

Citrines make you feel empowered, strengthening your will power.

Afirmations that you can make while working with Citrines.

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻

Image Source- Self Clicked

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