Slavery: Who will help eradicate child trafficking?

All you want to do is give them a hug and
make them feel that its OK.
And you feel that you can't even
give them a hug,

because that's the exact thing
that stole their innocence away.
Ashton Kutcher

Children as slaves

    child trafficking, noun
    the action or practice of illegally procuring and relocating children, 
    typically for the purposes of forced labour or sexual exploitation.

What children are trafficked for

  • forced labour
  • domestic work
  • child soldiers
  • camel jockeys
  • begging
  • construction workers
  • plantation labour
  • sex
  • forced labor
  • domestic help
Domestic workers are the most vulnerable to sexual exploitation by their employers, especially when they are way from home in another country.

Who will help end child trafficking?

Who will defend the rights of a child to pursue happiness?
What will it take to end child-slavery?
Where are children the most at risk?
Why does the "free" world let children live in slavery?
How will we protect our children?

Will we allow media companies to profit off child trafficking?

How will the @Steemit community help the fight to end child-trafficking?
Will you look the other way?

A digital weapon

The dark web, while facilitating freedom through Tor, has been the engine for human trafficking. Even though the age of children is increasingly younger & child pornography has even more sickenly violent themes, Thorn is a cutting edge digital weapon in the war against child-trafficking.

                 With the internet child pornography has exploded.
                 Ashton Kutcher

                 This was a commitment we were willing to take on 
                 for the rest of our lives.
                 Demi Moore

The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a national, toll-free hotline, available to answer calls from anywhere in the United States, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in more than 200 languages.
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1 (888) 373-7888

A virtuous unintended consequence

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's INR demonetisation

Nobel laurate Kailash Satyarthi's Bachpan Bachao Andolan, has freed thousands of children from slave-like conditions. He lauds the impact that the higher denomination Indian rupee demonetisation had on child-trafficking.

Breaking the backbone of human traffickers?

"Every single rupee earned by the traffickers and slave masters is black money. This move will break their backbone.”
India is home 40 percent of the world’s estimated 45.8 million slaves, according to a 2016 global slavery index published by the Australia-based Walk Free Foundation.
Thousands of children, mostly from poor rural areas, are taken to cities every year by gangs who sell them into bonded labour or hire them out to unscrupulous employers.
Many end up as domestic workers or labourers in brick kilns, roadside restaurants or small textile and embroidery workshops. Many women and girls are sold into brothels.
Nita Bhalla, Thomson Reuters

Freedom fighters on the ground

      Why India
      Globally, there are an estimated 2,000,000 children  in forced prostitution.  
      Human Trafficking is now the third largest international crime.
      Freedom Firm

Greg & Mala Malstead founded Freedom Firm to help rescue children in India.

Inspite of their efforts & labour of love being "foreign missionaries", a judge in south India is shortly going to rule on whether they can continue to live in India.

The details on how you can support Freedom Firm is below.

United States
        t: (720) 432-1607
        PO Box 6440, Elgin, IL 60121
        t: +91 423 244 3053
        78/85, Indu Sadan, Glenrock, Ooty 643001, TN

Follow Greg & Mala Malstead's India journey through the courts in India.

No effort of love & justice is a wasted one

You can help by giving

Here's some ways that you can help. You can give through:


Give of yourself to petition for God's intervention.


Work pro bono for organisations that you know of near you

Money, Goods

Donate in cash or kind


Speak, write, share about what can be done.

Updated February 21, 2017


An Abused Speaks Out

Milo Yiannopoulos, a self-acknowledged gay man announcing his resignation from Breitbart News, tells his story of his own experience of childhood sexual abuse

Updated February 28, 2017

The Trump Administration

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