#ColorChallenge #MondayRed – Frozen Raspberries in Red – Gefrorene Himbeeren in Rot :: alt-J "The Ripe and Ruin" [DE/EN]

Raspberries aren't necessarily my favorites but my wife and my kids really love them!
They are healthy, yummy and have an awesome, beautiful, red color!

Himbeeren sind nicht unbedingt meine liebsten Beeren aber meine Frau und die Kids lieben sie über alles!
Sie sind gesund, lecker und haben eine abgefahrene rote Farbe!

As always this pic was taken with my iphone SE

Stay Steemed and steem on!

Love, Unity & Abundance


Some other recent posts of mine:

Mango-Kurkuma Shake mit Mandelmilch Bananen und Orangen :: Mango-Turmeric Shake with almond butter, bananas and oranges
SteemitPhotoChallenge – Flowers: Entry 02 – Purple Klover
SteemitPhotoChallenge – Flowers: Entry 01 – First a rose then to alt-J
Fridayblue – alt-J concert in Cologne – Taro
How to celebrate an anniversary – alt-J live concert surprise :: Wie man einen Jahrestag feiert – alt-J Überraschungskonzert
Birthday Berry-Cupcakes :: Geburtstags Beeren-Cupcakes
Avocados with Pomegrenade-Hempseed :: Avocado mit Granatapfel-Hanfsaat
Raw Recipes: Mango-Chia-Almond Creme
Everything is in the eye of the beholder :: Alles liegt im Auge des Betrachters
Wie Fitzcarraldo und Werner Herzog den Berg besiegten – Entrepreneurship auf die extremste Weise :: How Fitzcarraldo and Werner Herzog defeated the mountain – entrepreneurship on its extreme
Chinakohlsalat mit Granatapfelkernen und Orangen-Zitronaigrette :: Chinese cabbage salad with pomegranate seeds and orange-lemonaigrette
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment Challenge – Day 1: first issues :: Polyphasisches Schlafexperiment - Tag 1: erste Herausforderungen (Vlog #01)
Bist du Warmduscher oder Kaltduscher? 6 Gründe für eine kalte Dusche :: Are you a mollycoddle (warmshowerer) or a cold showerer. Weird translation! Are you taking warm or cold showers? 6 reasons for taking cold showers from now on
Laber nicht rum, mach's einfach! - Don't blabber, do it baby! [German] :: #01: Neue Fertigkeiten: Akkordeon - new skills: accordion

Thanks @scrooger fort he great text dividers!

Also Thanks @kalemandra, our host in this awesome challenge!

and also thanks to everyone who supports my work in terms of followers, upvotes and resteemd! Much appreciation!

And don't remember a music video a day keeps the doctor away!
Therefore you get a video of my favorite music almost every day!
Today's music impression is alt-J with "The ripe and Ruin"

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