I Have Not Forsaken You (An Original Poem)

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Oh Father God
The trials and tribulations that I face
The burdens that I carry
The problems that seem insurmountable
The difficulties that I go through
The frustration that I feel
The worries that torture me
The emptiness that surround me
The pressure that never seem to cease
The tests that I have to endure

All these God, have worn me out
For I am feeling weak and weary
I am hurt and I cry out in anguish and pain
My life seems to be in turmoil
There seems to be no way out
I have no more energy to continue the struggle
And I begin to wonder
Will all these suffering ever end?

Oh my beloved son
I have not forsaken you
For you are down but not out
Hard pressed but not crushed
Retreating but not defeated

So do not despair my son
For I am at your side always
To help you lightened your burdens
To soothe away your fears and worries
To comfort you in times of pain and difficulty
To pick you up when you fall
To tend to your injuries, scars and ached
To encourage you
And to give you hope

For all these trials and tribulations
Burdens and problems
Difficulties and frustration
Are but mere resistances in your journey of life
And I shall help you overcome them
To emerge stronger, wiser and above all more Christ like
For all I am asking of you
Is to surrender your life with its inadequacies, weaknesses and fragilities
For a life of abundance and joy everlasting
Because that is your destiny
Which I have promised you
When I formed you in your mother’s womb

About This Poem

Sometimes when we are surrounded by insurmountable problems, we feel so lost and it seems that the whole world is against us. We feel that we are facing this situation alone and we tend to wonder whether God has abandoned us. It is a time of trial and testing and it seems that we are staring at defeat in the face.

It is times like this that we need to believe by faith and not by sight. We need to stand firm by the promises of God because God's promises are yes and amen. At the end of it all, God will surely come through for us, but in His own way and in His own time.

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