A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest#12.2-【RESTAURANT】~小城故事相片比賽#12.2-【 餐廳】

Camera相機: Samsung S8
Location地點: Prince Edward, 太子

Cart noodle, we called [La char noodle]. In 50s, the hawkers will have a cart to sell the noodle on the dusty road. Very cheap but you can choose the toppings and type of noodle. They will server you very quickly.

車仔麵,又稱「嗱喳麵」。在 五十年代,小販們會推著一輛木頭車在塵土飛揚的路上賣車仔麵, 售價很便宜,而且你還可以選擇餸菜和菜不同類型的麵,他們會即點製。

A yummy cart noodle is depends on the soup. You can find there are some common toppings as Pig blood curds, Pig intestine, Pig skin, Chinese radish, Red chinese sausage,Vegetables, Chicken wing, siu mai, beef ball, fried fish ball, wonton, pig oviduct, crab stick, Winter-picked mushroom, cuttlefish ball !
They will give you a leaflet menu to circle the toppings! The price is according to your chosen items!

一碗美味的車仔麵取決於湯底,一般的餸菜會有: 豬紅、豬大腸、豬皮、蘿白、紅腸、雞翼、燒賣、牛丸、炸魚蛋、雲吞、粉腸、蟹柳、冬菇、墨魚丸!

You will find this shop still use the LPS, so old school! If you come to Hong Kong, I suggest you to try once!

你會發現這家店還在用石油氣,那麼老派! 如果你來香港,我建議你要試一次!

Many thanks to @aaronli for hosting this competition and giving me a chance to look back the city in our busy life.

很多謝 @aaronli 舉行這個比賽,給予一個機會,在忙碌的生活中細看我們所居住的城巿。

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