A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest#13.2 -【HERO】~小城故事相片比賽#13.2-【 英雄】

The hero of Hong Kong must be the medical team who died at 15 years ago in the SARS!
I couldn't found the photo that all the people wearing mask passing though the platform in the MTR! May be you forgot that moment if you were too young! Everyone need to wear a mask when you went out, people didn't went to the density place, e.g., cinema, shopping arcades, Karaoke, park. Students was forced stop to school! All the restaurant were no costumers, every household used many detergent to clean the house and public area!

我無法找回全部人載著口罩橫過地鐵月台的照片! 如果你年紀少可能會沒有什麼印象,那時每人外出時,必需要載上口罩,沒有人去人群聚集的地方,例如電影院集、購物商場、卡拉OK、公園等,學生要停課, 所有的餐廳都沒有顧客,每個家庭都會用很多洗滌劑來清潔房子和公共地方!

[Source: Apple Media]

We lost eight medical workers infected with SARS due to the epidemic! There were a Anti-SARS Memorial Park at the Hong Kong Park! The solidarity of Hong Kong people, I still in my mind!
Nowadays, the society atmosphere is changed! Many of people didn't trust the experts, they trust the information of content farm more! I am very worried about if there were another big disaster coming to Hong Kong!

由於疫情,我們失去了八名感染SARS的醫務工作者! 香港公園內有一個抗沙士紀念公園, 香港人的團結精神仍在我腦海中!
如今,社會的氣氛發生了很大的變化, 許多人寧願不信任專家,反而更信任內容農場的信息! 我很擔心是否有另一場大災難會來到香港!

【Subvert the cultural value will bring us a un-affordable result!

Many thanks to @aaronli for hosting this competition and giving me a chance to look back the city in our busy life.

很多謝 @aaronli 舉行這個比賽,給予一個機會,在忙碌的生活中細看我們所居住的城巿。

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