A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest#14.1 -【CHINESE NEW YEAR】~小城故事相片比賽#14.1-【 農曆新年】

Today is the Chinese New Year! 【Wish you all the best!】



Camera相機: Samsung S8
Location地點: Wong Tai Sin, 黃大仙


For Chinese, we have family gathering at the New Year Eve! After dinner we will go out for a walk, like flower market, many hawkers will sell goods on the road at some district! I will looking for some street snack by hawker every year!

對於中國人來說,我們會在新年前夕舉行家庭晚餐! 晚餐後我們會出去散步,好像行花市、年宵巿場等等,很多小販會在路上擺賣,而 我最喜歡的就是找點街頭小吃!


This hawker sold the yummy BBQ beef stick more than 10 years! The famous stall in this area! We need to line up to wait more than an hour! There are many other stalls, e.g.: curry fish ball, steamed vermicelli roll, BBQ sticks, etc.. You can find all the old school street snacks at here!

這個小販賣了美味的燒烤牛肉棒超過10年,是這個地區的著名攤位! 我們需要排隊等待一個多小時! 還有很多其他的攤位,例如:咖哩魚蛋、腸粉、串燒等等,您可以在這裡找到所有懷舊街頭小吃!


The atmosphere is very peaceful at this year, every one was relaxed and happy! I remembered every one was so nerved at last year! Because the government didn't allow the hawkers sold on the street, they arrested the hawkers. It cause of a police conflict - The fish ball event of MongKok , I think it is too strict to the people! We just want to joy the festival!

今年的氣氛非常平和,每個人心情輕鬆愉快! 我記得去年這個時候大家都很緊張, 由於政府下令不允許小販擺蕒,他們逮捕了所有小販, 就做成了警民衝突 - 旺角魚蛋事件,我認為這對人民來說太嚴格了,我們只是想歡樂節日!


【If a society is not free, even eating street snacks will be deprived!

Many thanks to @aaronli for hosting this competition and giving me a chance to look back the city in our busy life.

很多謝 @aaronli 舉行這個比賽,給予一個機會,在忙碌的生活中細看我們所居住的城巿。

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