A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest#15.2 -【FLOWER】~小城故事相片比賽#15.2-【 花】

Camera相機: Samsung S8
Location地點: Western district, 西環

The most grandeur of those Chinese New Year flowers must be the Peach blossoms!

Peach blossoms are mostly associated with love and karma in Chinese culture. Peach blossoms are displayed in the Chinese New Year! The word "Peach" and "map" are homophones in Cantonese, the businessman will placed a large peach at home or office that means booming business and prosperous development!


桃花大多與中國文化中的愛情和人緣有關, 農曆新年期間會擺放桃花祈求桃花運降臨! “桃”和“圖”這兩個詞在粵語裡是同音詞,很多商人都會在家裡或辦公室放置一棵大桃花,寓意著大展鴻圖!

Some meanings of the Peach:

  • Scientific name: Prunus Persica

  • Florid: Beautiful intoxicating, charming and brilliant

  • Proverbs: Competing in competition will be jealous

  • A symbol of a better life: Tao Yuan-ming's "Peach Blossom Spring" has created an enchanting, eternal and ideal world for people

  • A symbol of longevity: Peach is regarded as a longevity thing, such as the Queen's peach story, so peach is also known as "long life peach."

  • A symbol of students and disciples: Peach blossom is full of infinite vitality, it has been hailed as a student and disciple since ancient times to praise the teachers' performance.

I wish all the steemian have a good relationship and well development in steemit!


  • 學名:Prunus Persica
  • 花語:是愛情的喜悅,愛情的俘虜
  • 花箴言:有競爭心才會有嫉
  • 生活美好:陶淵明的《桃花源記》為人們塑造了一個令人神往、千古不朽的理想之境
  • 長壽:桃被視為延年益壽之物,如王母的蟠桃會等故事,所以桃子也就被稱為「壽桃」。
  • 是學生、弟子的象徵:由於桃花充滿了無限的生命力,自古以來被喻為學生、弟子,用以歌頌老師的業績。


【Everything is smooth when the good interpersonal relationship was established! 擁有良好的人際關係,做事無往不利!】

Many thanks to @aaronli for hosting this competition and giving me a chance to look back the city in our busy life.

很多謝 @aaronli 舉行這個比賽,給予一個機會,在忙碌的生活中細看我們所居住的城巿。

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