Review movie #20 :Kingsman: The Golden Circle

I promised my friends I would review the movie '' Kingsman: The Golden Circle '' ^^ Today I checked it out and I'm going to write a bolg on this movie .. This movie I have a lot of complaints about movie content, Other factors such as actors or music are good..
我答应我的朋友,我会看电影“金斯曼:黄金圈”^^今天我检查了,我要写这部电影..这部电影我有很多 抱怨电影内容,演员或音乐等其他因素都很好

In theaters back in 2015, Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) became one of the biggest surprises of the year. With a unique style of expression, the subtle combination of gentle British humor and intense battle cruelty, brutal but no less beautiful, the film quickly resonates and Create your own place in the action movie series - spy. ^^

The big win was over $ 400 million, and the second, Kingsman: The Golden Circle, was quickly turned on.... There is a big difference between the two sets: the second part is completely new, not based on the original comics by Dave Gibbons and Mark Millar.
回到2015年,金斯曼:“特务”(2015)已经成为今年最大的惊喜之一。 凭借其独特的表演风格,温柔的英国幽默和激烈,残酷而同样美丽的战斗的凶猛组合,电影迅速共鸣并创造了味道。 你的心灵在动作电影 - 间谍。^^

大赢家超过4亿美元,第二名是金斯曼:黄金圈,迅速弹起来了...两组之间有很大的区别:第二个是全新的,不是基于 Dave Gibbons和Mark Millar的原创漫画。

Kingsman: The Golden Circle happened about a year after the events of the first part. After destroying Richmond's conspiracy to destroy the human race, Eggsy (Taron Egerton) becomes a skilled Kingsman secret agent, nicknamed Galahad.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle occurs about a year after the events of season one.
One day, he was kidnapped by Charlie Hesketh (Edward Holcroft) - a traitor Kingsman to betray Valentine - attack. Eggsy escaped, but did not suspect that the Kingsman system was secretly hacked by Charlie, stealing information. ^^

The agents at Kingsman quickly discovered that Charlie Hesketh had a close association with a mysterious drug cartel organization known as The Golden Circle. However, without any action, the Kingsman headquarters were attacked and wiped out.
有一天,他被查尔斯·赫斯凯特(爱德华·霍尔克罗夫特(Edward Holcroft))绑架 - 叛徒金斯曼背叛了情人 - 袭击。 鸡蛋逃脱了,但没想到金斯曼系统被偷偷偷窃了查理的信息。^^

金斯曼的员工很快就发现,查理·赫斯克(Charlie Hesketh)与神秘的卡特尔卡特尔组织“黄金圈”有着很强的联系。 但是,没有采取行动,金斯曼总部遭到袭击和消灭。

At this point, only Eggsy and Merlin (Mark Strong) survived. No other way, they have to find the help of Statesman - Kingsman's "brothers" in America - to track down the culprit, as well as prevent their malicious plot.

In Kingsman: The Golden Circle, director Matthew Vaughn continues to maintain and promote the "cabinet" that made the first episode successful. It's a classic British style; humorous, subtle and heavy humor; along with the magic action, flowery and violent.

Audiences have the opportunity to meet up with the Kingsman Secret Service - super-warriors who have unmistakable elegance, suit suits that fit perfectly, together with a sense of style and seriousness. Patterns but still natural enough and attractive.

Although not as impressive as the first episode, classic British style in Kingsman: The Golden Circle is still the highlight, making the series separate from many of the same genre as 007 or Mission: Impossible.

在这个时候,只有Eggsy和Merlin(Mark Strong)幸存下来。没有别的办法,他们必须寻求政治家 - 美国的金斯曼兄弟的帮助 - 跟踪肇事者,以及制止他们的恶意阴谋。


观众有机会回应金斯曼特勤局 - 超级战士具有无与伦比的豪华,配合完美契合与风格和认真。模式,但仍然自然而有吸引力。


Kingsman's unique humor: The Secret Service continues to be well-established in Kingsman: The Golden Circle. The intensity of the comedies is denser, helping to maintain a gentle and comfortable laugh throughout the piece.

The lure, satire in The Golden Circle is visually clear and distinct from the first. If The Secret Service were primarily mocking and satirizing the classic 007 spy film, as well as the hyper-upstarts, the Golden Circle made fun of Kingsman and the first episode.

The film is not afraid to criticize the president himself with selfish and inhumane thinking. It's not hard to see that the character reminds directly of current US President Donald Trump who is known for his controversial and deeply divided policies and statements.

Kingsman agents are so smart, but in The Golden Circle, they are being ridiculed by their American colleagues for courteous attempts to break into the Statesman. Then Kingsman's tailor's outfit was also a prolific antique, not as productive as Statesman's wine business.

These are small but subtle comparative details, not only to help bring laughter but also to create the identity of each organization in the two countries with their own culture.


这部电影不怕以自私和不人道的思维批评总统。不难看出,这个角色直接让人联想起美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump),他因其有争议和深层次混乱的政策和索赔而闻名。


Right from the opening scene, Kingsman: The Golden Circle entertained the audience with a thrilling and dramatic action scene. After that, a series of cheesy fighting scenes, Kingsman continues to appear, as the brass men describe the impetus, fighting against the bad guys with super skills and high tech toys.

Typical action style of the film is exaggerated but beautiful, irrational but beautiful, violent but not bloody rebellious. They come from many angles of creation, and the result is the battle is extremely magical, blood fire is no less the front..

Expansions are not reasonable
While retaining the strengths that helped make the brand two years ago, Kingsman: The Golden Circle has made major headlines in the script.

Like the first episode, the movie content is simple and easy to follow, with motifs of the hero killing the bad guys to rescue the familiar world. At this time, the role of Harry Hart (Colin Firth) is reduced, and "neo Galahad" Eggsy is at the center of the whole new story.

In addition to the main storyline to stop the organization Golden Kim, the film also built two secondary storyline about the relationship between Eggsy with his lover - Swedish Princess Tilde (Hanna Alström); And the relationship with the mentally ill Harry Hart died.

Basically, the two story lines help the character of Eggsy become richer. But this is a "double-edged sword", because it has to invest in the development of secondary content streams that make the film circuit unbreakable, disconnected.

The Statesman Foundation was presented intriguingly, but has not shown much in the film.
Many details are outlined but do not play a role too important to the development of the main circuit, such as the love story of Eggsy and Princess Tilde. Meanwhile, the story of Harry Hart is quite important, directly related to the main circuit, has not been properly dug, and abuse many of the humor of corn.

The appearance of the Statesman secret agents in the film has not brought the desired effect as expected. They exhibit quite good "American" characteristics through appearance, weapons, as well as action-free behavior.

However, in order to emphasize Kingsman's lead role, Statesman's role in the film is too limited and fuzzy. Despite their strong potential, they almost only play a supporting role. The real world rescue heroes are still Kingsman.

The villain system in the movie is also a pity. Character Poppy Adams (Julianne Moore) has many similarities with Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson). They both headed a huge corporation, using their products to manipulate and manipulate a huge number of victims on a global scale.

But Poppy Adams himself and the Hoang Kim Foundation were built very faint. Throughout the film, audiences must listen to the mysterious but empty tones of the tycoon boring. Her plan was magnificent, poisonous, but contained too many holes.

Poppy and her plan are a disappointment of the film.
The hands and feet of the organization is no better than how. The betrayer Charlie Hesketh is completely blurry, unable to make the impression as Gazelle (Sofia Boutella) 's iron leg.

Overall, Kingsman: The Golden Circle is still a high-quality,, action-packed piece of work that suits many audiences. But, if you want to continue to size the brand, they need to find a more reasonable path, avoid repeating old labels, as well as improper development.

Here is how I scored for the movie
Content 6/10
Music ;9/10
Costume 10/10
Action: 9/10

If you are a person who loves to watch movies and read stories, please follow my articles. I have written a lot of movies about love and romance. You can read:
电影中的恶棍系统也令人遗憾。罂粟亚当斯(Julianne Moore)与里士满情人节(Samuel L. Jackson)有很多相似之处。他们都是一家巨型公司,利用他们的产品来操纵和操纵全球范围内的大量受害者。

组织的手脚不是更好的办法。叛徒查理·赫斯凯特是完全模糊的,不能像瞪羚的腿(Sofia Boutella)留下深刻的印象。


音乐; 9/10








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