FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM GIVES YOU ZERO USD for your images - 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – winning pics worth 120 to 240 USD at the moment!

Hello fellow Steemians,

We are all very excited about the sudden rise in the price of SBD which is making Steemit extremely profitable for all the ones who care! Nobody knows what is the real reason behind the rise and how long it will last so let’s enjoy it for a while and stuck up on some “free” Steem Power that is being given to us. I am very happy that I am able to give out some very decent money to weekly and monthly winners of my 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge. The weekly winner gets a reward of 15 SBD and monthly winner 30 SBD. I was able to sell SBD at 12 USD at most while it had a sharp rise but the price has been somewhere around 8 USD on average. That average price makes it around 120 USD for a weekly and 240 USD for a monthly winner. That I believe is a great money for something that FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM gives you nothing! The power of STEEMIT!


我們都非常高興SBD價格的突然上漲,所有關心Steemit的人來說都是一個非常有利的好消息呀!沒有人知道這個崛起背後的真正原因是什麼,和它會持續多久,但讓我們享受這一段時間就足夠了,我很高興我能多了一些額外的「免費」Steem Power,和能夠為我的7世界大陸照片挑戰賽的每週和每月的贏家提供一些非常可觀的金錢回報。每週獲勝者將會獲得15個SBD作為獎勵,而每月贏家將會得到30個SBD。當價格大幅上漲時我最高能夠以12美元的價格賣出SBD,但價格平均在8美元左右。平均價格來說的話每週獲勝者將得到120美元,而每月贏家將會得到240美元!我相信相對於FACEBOOK和INSTAGRAM這些什麼金錢利益都不能給你的平台來說,這可說是一筆巨款! 這就是STEEMIT的力量!


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Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

ColorChallenge - Indigo Saturday - @extremejogging in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!
Czech Republic and Prague by your fellow Steemians! 在其他Steemians眼中的捷克共和國和布拉格
Thank you all. 2 500 followers and rising!
7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - some of the best pics of the past few days! 世界7大陸照片挑戰賽 - 過去幾天一些最好的照片!

CEO & Founder of CGH


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