Thank you all. 2 500 followers and rising!

Hello fellow Steemians,

I have been really busy lately that I have only noticed that I crossed 2 500 followers here on Steemit. I have not really been paying much attention to the number in a while so it did come as a nice surprise. It sure is a milestone for me and something that I would have not imagined when I joined a few months back. One thing is for sure though, the more time I spent using the platform the more I like it. I am pretty sure we are for a lot of good things next year as there are so many different projects and applications being worked on and developed. It does make me really excited. However, all this would not have been possible without all of you here on Steemit so the huge shout out and thank you goes to each and every one of you! Thank you so much and keep on steeming.


最近我真的很忙,我只注意到我在Steemit已經有著超過2500個追隨者了。 我在一段時間內並沒有留意我的追隨者數目,所以這真是令我十分驚喜。 這對我來說肯定是一個值得紀念的里程碑,也是我在幾個月前加入時不能想像的。 有一件事我是肯定的,就是我在Steemit上花的時間越多,我就越喜歡它。 我很肯定,在明年我們會有更多的好東西和好消息,因為有無數不同的項目和應用程序正在開發, 這確實讓我非常興奮。 然而,如果沒有在Steemit上的你們,所有的這一切都不可能發生,所以我在這裡謝謝你們每一個人! 非常感謝你們,繼續努力Steeming。


Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

10 Worst Tourist Traps in Prague! 布拉格10個最糟糕的旅遊陷阱!
Prague Zoo ranked no. 5 In the world!
Prague/Czech Republic by your fellow Steemians! 其他STEEMIANS眼中的布拉格/捷克共和國!
7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - week #10 - vote for your favorite picture of the week!

CEO & Founder of CGH


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