Have you ever wanted to study abroad? The Czech Republic might be the perfect place for you! 你有沒有想過出國留學? 捷克共和國可能是一個完美的地點!

Hello everyone,

It is not such a long time ago when I published the post informing you that two cities in the Czech Republic were voted by students as the top 10 cities to study abroad worldwide which is pretty impressive. If you are interested to see the original post you can by visiting the following link: 2 Czech cities are in top 10 student cities in the world as voted by students. / 2個捷克城市晉身由學生選出的「世界10大學生城市」

Today I would like to share with you a video made by Honest Prague Guide where you can see why the foreign students are pretty excited to be studying in the Czech Republic. Please enjoy! Maybe you will get inspired and pick Prague or any other city as your place to study in the years to come.


不久之前,我發表了一個帖子關於捷克共和國的兩個城市被全球的學生投票選為頭十個想去那裡留學的城市,十分厲害呢。 如果你有興趣看看這個帖子,你可以訪問以下的鏈接:...............。

今天我想和大家分享一下由Honest Prague Guide製作的視頻,你可以看到為什麼外國的學生都對去捷克留學感到十分興奮。 請享受這個視頻! 如果你還是學生的話,說不定你會得到一些啟發,選擇布拉格或任何其他城市作為你在未來幾年學習的地方。

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Global Blockchain Technologies announces $20m fund to invest in Steem SMTs
Czech Republic/Prague – by your fellow steemians! 捷克共和國/布拉格-我們Steemians的作品!
Prague is One of the Top 25 Tourist Destinations as per TripAdvisor/布拉格是在TripAdvisor上頭25位的旅遊熱點之一
Czech cuisine – little heavy but delicious😊/捷克佳餚——有些重口味但十分美味😊

CEO & Founder of CGH


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