Prague, one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

Hello friends,

I hope you are having a great start to the week so far. Today I would love to present you a short YouTube video made by Expedia about the Czech’s capital Prague. If you have been following me for a while then you know that Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world as voted by tourist year after year in many prestigious publications. If you have not put Prague on the top of your bucket list in 2017 then make no mistake and make that happen in 2018. I am sure many of you will only agree. Watch this short video and you will see that it is a no-brainer thing to do.

If you like to see some great pics from Prague and other parts of the Czech Republic made by your fellow Steemians then follow my daily photo-sharing contest. Here is a short preview of few from the past few days: Czech Republic and Prague by your fellow Steemians! 在其他Steemians眼中的捷克共和國和布拉格

Have a fabulous day everyone and keep on steeming.


希望你在新的一週已經有了一個好的開始。今天,我很樂意向您介紹Expedia為捷克首都布拉格製作的YouTube短片。如果你已關注了我一段時間,那麼你應該知道布拉格在許多著名的出版刊物中,年復一年被遊客投票選為世界上最美麗的城市之一。如果你沒有在2017年把布拉格列入你必定要做的事的清單榜首,請在新的一年把它放進你的清單。我相信你們中的許多人會同意的。請觀看這段短片,你會發現這是毫無疑問的。 如果你喜歡看到來自布拉格和其他Steemian在捷克共和國其他地方拍的一些美麗照片,請關注我的每日照片分享比賽。希望你們每個人都有美好的一天,並繼續Steeming。

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

ColorChallenge - Indigo Saturday - @extremejogging in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!
Czech Republic and Prague by your fellow Steemians! 在其他Steemians眼中的捷克共和國和布拉格
Thank you all. 2 500 followers and rising!
7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - some of the best pics of the past few days! 世界7大陸照片挑戰賽 - 過去幾天一些最好的照片!

CEO & Founder of CGH


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