Pustevny in Beskids/Czech Republic - 貝斯其茲山脈的Pustevny/捷克共和國

Hello friends,

If you really want to get off beaten track when exploring the Czech Republic then Pustevny in the Beskids would be a perfect choice. It gets its name from the hermits who once inhabited this landscape as they were seeking a place far from civilization. It really is an attractive place for Czech people especially hikers and bikers during summers while in wintertime it serves as a well-known skiing center. From here it is easy to take a trail to the top of Radhost, from which you will have amazing views of the entire Beskids. Heading to the top you will pass the statue of Radegast, god of the harvest, hospitality and war that I covered yesterday (Radegast - god of war at Pustevny Mountains/Czech Republic....). Do allow yourself an extended amount of time if you would like to cover the Beskids during your travels throughout the Czech Republic as this will be more time demanding for you. Have a great day and steem on.

如果你想在捷克一嘗探索新大陸的滋味,那麼貝斯其茲山脈的Pustevny絕對是個完美的選擇。它的名字來自當時為了遠離人類文明而居住於此的隱士。這裏十分受捷克人青睞,尤其是在夏天,這裏就是遠足和騎單車者的天堂。而在冬天,這裏就會化身為著名的滑雪場。你可以從這裏容易地登到Radhost山頂,一覽貝斯其茲山脈令人驚嘆的美景。在途中你會路過Radegast的雕像,他是我昨天提到掌管收割、待客以及戰爭的神。如果你的捷克之旅想要包含貝斯其茲山脈的話,那麼記得要預留多些時間,因為你可能會花較長的時間在它身上。祝你有美好的一天,Steem on!


Image source: Shutterstock
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Image source: Shutterstock
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Image source: Shutterstock
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Image source: Shutterstock
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Image source: Shutterstock
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Image source: Shutterstock
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Statue of god Radegast on Radhost Mountain in Beskydy Mountains

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