美丽星期天--共度篝火之夜 Beautiful Sunday,We're On Fire

Oh, if there's one thing to be taught,
It's dreams are made to be caught,
And friends can never be bought,
Doesn't matter how long it's been,
I know you'll always jump in,
Cause we don't know how to quit,
Let's start a riot tonight,
A pack of lions tonight.
------- ---Gavin Degraw 《fire》


Last Sunday, I shared my sweet story with you, and that day was the first day of our National Holiday. Today I'm going to share another Beautiful Sunday story with you. If you pay attention to my former posts, you will know I mentioned about our Autumn trip organised by our company, the games during the trip are really interesting, and today I will share our Fire Night with you.


吃过晚饭的我们,跑到依山傍水的餐厅旁边的草坪高处欣赏落日,望着落日一点点落下山去,山水落日俨然一幅景色,美不胜收。彩霞漫天, 水中倒影重重,山峰绵延不绝。此等美景尽收眼底,好想停留在这一刻!

After supper, we came to the grass beside the river to enjoy the sunset, the sun, the mountain and the water became a beautiful painting. The sunset glow spread in the sky, relections all over the river and the mountains look like endless. How I wish time could stop in this moment!




After enjoyed such a pretty scenery, we start our tour for the Fire's Night.



Our main place stands beside the attracting small"The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower" model.


Our guide ready the firewood, and pass the torches to our bosses, and they will light the fire for tonight.




The fire is on, let's begin for carnival,boys and girls formed two circles around the fire and follow the music"Penguing's Games"

Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Jumping Grooving Dancing Everybody
Rooling Moving Singing Night&Day
Let's Fun Fun Together
Let's Play The Penguing's Games



After playing the Penguing's Games,boss let us make performance by department,we are the first group perform in the center stage. We sang a popular song.



All collegues were cheered up just like birds freed from the cage. This is not the ending, our next stop is the road decorated with colorful light. It's time to take amazing photos.

( @karasui excited ran for us with arms open)

( @ceciliali and I,are we look like twins since we dressed the similar way?)

(both @jessicameng and I enjoyed this moment )

这就是这个美丽星期天我想要分享给大家的小故事,同事们欢聚一堂,乐趣无穷,这样真的增进了互相之间的感情呢!希望大家喜欢! 如果大家也想参加的话,请参考 @ace108帖子细节

This is the story I shared with you in this beautiful Sunday. Hope you like it. Thanks. If you wanna join, pls check the details post of @ace108

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