Bruteforce Solution to Mathematics × Programming Competition #5 暴力搜索[問題] 數學 × 程式編寫比賽 (第五回)

@kenchung 第五次比赛 #steemstem, 题目主要是A到P 16个字母填到4X4的格子中,1-16只能各用一次,并且有12个条件。
Quesiton: @kenchung/question-mathematics-programming-competition-5

16 integers, but the total combination is huge i.e. 16! (A has 16 possibilities, B has 15 possibilities and so on).

如果不算条件限制,一共有16!种方案,比如第一格可以填1-16,第二格可以有15种可能,第三格14种 以此类推....

The good thing is that we have a few of restrictions such as A can only be 2, 4, 6 or 8 and etc. Therefore, we can loop just few variables and base on pre-known conditions to get the values of others.


The following JS code is ugly, which implements the bruteforce search, however it works.. Let me think of better ways to write it and I'd share with you in a few days time.



for (var a = 2; a <= 8; a += 2) {
    var l = 9 - a;
    var g = 13 - a;
    var k = 12 - a;
    if (k == a) {
    if ((k != 2) && (k != 4) && (k != 6) && (k != 8)) {
    var b = 14 - k;
    if ((b == a) || (b == k)) {
    if ((b != 2) && (b != 4) && (b != 6) && (b != 8)) {
    var o = 9 - k;
    var m = 9 - b;
    for (var j = 2; j <= 8; j += 2) {
        if ((j != a) && (j != b) && (j != k)) {
            // c, d, e, f, h, i, n, p
            // c + p = 24
            // d + e = 25
            // |e - n| = 4
            // e + f = 26
            // c + i = 25
            console.log('a = ' + a);
            console.log('b = ' + b);
            console.log('g = ' + g);
            console.log('k = ' + k);
            console.log('o = ' + o);
            console.log('m = ' + m);
            console.log('j = ' + j);
            console.log('l = ' + l);
            for (var c = 1; c <= 16; c ++) {
                if ((c != a) && (c != b) && (c != g) && (c != k) && (c != o) && (c != m) && (c != j) && (c != l)) {
                    var p = 24 - c;
                    if (c == p) continue;
                    if ((p < 1) || (p > 16)) continue;
                    var i = 25 - c;
                    if ((i < 1) || (i > 16)) continue;
                    for (d = 1; d <= 16; d ++) {
                        if ((d != c) && (d != a) && (d != b) && (d != g) && (d != k) && (d != o) && (d != m) && (d != j) && (d != l)) {
                            var e = 25 - d;
                            if ((e < 1) || (e > 16)) continue;
                            var f = 26 - e;
                            if ((f < 1) || (f > 16)) continue;
                            n = e + 4;
                            if ((n < 1) || (n > 16)) continue;
                            if (
                                    (i == n) || 
                                    (n == f) || 
                                    (i == d) || 
                                    (p == k) || 
                                    (n == k) || 
                                    (n == b) || 
                                    (e == f) || 
                                    (p == e) || 
                                    (i == f) || 
                                    (p == f) || 
                                    (p == n) || 
                                    (p == g) || 
                                    (c == f)
                            ) {
                            console.log("p = " + p);
                            console.log("i = " + i);                            
                            console.log("n = " + n);
                            console.log("e = " + e);
                            console.log("f = " + f);
                            console.log("c = " + c);
                            console.log("d = " + d);

This outputs:

a = 4
b = 6
g = 9
k = 8
o = 1
m = 3
j = 2
l = 5
p = 11
i = 12
n = 14
e = 10
f = 16
c = 13
d = 15
[Finished in 0.7s]

Wait, the h is not printed (in the 12 pre-known relations, h is not specified)... but you know what to do. ;)

h 值没有被打出来,因为这是唯一一个没有给定限制条件的变量,不过你应该知道怎么做了。

Originally published at Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

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