How to Cook the Spanish Serrano Ham? 风干的西班牙猪腿肉

My friend gave me this as a "present". It is 6.5kg which is estimated to provide 10 servings. The pork was dried for 6 to 18 months.. and it is mature for 12 months.

My plan of cooking this: cut into slim slices, boil, steam, and cool down. There are a lot, so I will store them in the fridge. The ham can then be fried and served later.

Any better cooking recipes? Thanks!

 猪腿可以拿来当武器 Pork Weapons? LOL  这才是抱大腿的正确姿势!

 前不久 朋友从谢村过来送了我一猪大腿, 原产是西班牙的, 风干真空保存(风干6到18个月). 包装上写着保质期12个月, 里面自带刀具(架). 

 6.5kg 可食用平均10次左右 保质期12个月 



实在是很重, 这么一大块肉, 做起来也挺麻烦. 据网上查得: 得先切片, 然后水煮再蒸干保存食用. 就怕一下子吃不太完浪费了, 可惜肉在英国, 要不然就请你们过来一起食用了(机票不包哈) 

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