英國深度環島遊 # 10 總結篇和旅費 Round the Isle UK trip #10 Summary and total cost

Nearly two years ago, I took one last look around the flat, my home in UK for the last 9 years。 I quietly shut the front door behind me, tomorrow the flat will be someone else’s home。 Now I was homeless, at least temporarily, living out of a few suitcases whilst I go on my three week UK road trip and until I find a new home in Taiwan。



  1. 博學多才的Lichfield 和曼城街頭的香港漫畫人物 ∼ 倫敦 ⇒ Lichfield ⇒ 曼徹斯坦特市
  2. 沒有網絡的日子 ∼ 約克郡谷地
  3. 蘇格蘭的世外桃源 ∼ 史特靈 ⇒ Oban ⇒ Glencoe
  4. 哈利波特迷要看及蘇格蘭點滴 ∼ 威廉堡 ⇒ Mallaig
  5. 主菜天空島 ∼ 天空島
  6. 主菜天空島 (2) ∼ 天空島
  7. 蘇格蘭威士忌之旅 ∼ Fort Augustus ⇒ Pitlochry
  8. 蘇格蘭的首都愛丁堡 ∼ 愛丁堡
  9. 一道牆和到 "手與花"晚餐 ⇒ 牛津郡

Our long overdue UK road trip finally started。 From south to north and back again 2,500km over 25 days。 I had deliberately planned the daily low mileage so we weren't stuck inside the car just driving all the time, and could actually enjoy ourselves.。My route included the following locations:
1. Lichfield and Manchester ∼ London ⇒ Lichfield ⇒ Manchester
2. Living Off the Grid ∼ Yorkshire Dales
3. The surreal Scottish Lochs ∼ Stirling ⇒ Oban ⇒ Glencoe
4. Calling Harry Potter fans and showcasing Scottish snippets ∼ Fort William ⇒ Mallaig
5. The Main Course Isle of Skye ∼ Isle of Skye
6. The Main Course Isle of Skye part 2 ∼ Isle of Skye
7. Whisky lover's Tour ∼ Fort Augustus ⇒ Pitlochry
8. The capital of Scotland Edinburgh ∼ Edinburgh
9. The Wall and dinner at the Hands and Flowers ∼ Hadrian Wall ⇒ Oxfordshire


In all of the blogs above I have talked about the joy of my trip, but here are some of my most memorable parts:

路段 : 從A82轉入小路到Glen Etive 這二十公里的路程,四周引人入勝的美景至今還瀝瀝在目
Drive – definitely the drive to Glen Etive, the scenery along the 20km drive from the main A82 to the road to nowhere still lingers in my mind today

住宿 : 約克郡谷地住的蒙古包,除了因爲特別,還因為在冷冬登山後回到包裡,那個溫暖的木柴火爐真的很窩心喔
Accommodation – the Mongolian yurts at Yorkshire, apart from the novelty, also because it was very comforting to come back to a crackling real wood fire after a long day’s walk in the cold

Meal – the twice dive fresh scallops at the Isle of Skye, food taste so much better when you know its source and cook it from raw yourself

節目 :極近距離欣賞愛黛兒演唱會,她還歡迎大家拍照留念喔。雖然嚴格來說這不在環島遊的行程,但環島遊從她的歌聲開始
Event – front row seats to watch Adele’s concert where she was cool with people taking photos of her on stage. This wasn’t strictly part of the round the UK trip, but this is where it all started


住宿方面,因為還未開始旺季,所以我找到一些很划算的住宿。有四晚我們住的是英國一家連鎖經濟旅館 Premier Inn。我喜歡它的價廉物美,服務及環境也不錯。無論到任何一間它的旅館,從辦理入住至房間格局幾乎都一成不變,沒有驚喜也不會讓人失望。在這裏住,我們平均每晚的價格只是 £37/ USD50。另外我們也住了不同的民宿,獨立小屋,蒙古包,旅館及近年很流行的AirBnb。整個旅程二十五晚我們只化了約 £1200 / USD1600,平均£47 / USD63 一晚,最貴那晚是 £70 / USD94,而最便宜只需要 £25 / USD34。
We went in March 2016 which was the back end of the winter season so managed to find some pretty good deals on accommodation。 Out of the 25 nights, 4 of them were at Premier Inn which is a chain of value hotels around UK , and the average price we paid here per night was £37/ USD50。 I like Premier Inn because they are clean and basic and you always know what to expect because the setup and all the rooms are pretty much the same regardless of where you stay。 For the other nights, we stayed at a mixture of B&Bs, self catering cottages, yurts and AirBnB。 Overall, my accommodation bill was just under £1200 / USD1600 for the 25 nights, ranging from £70 / USD94 to £25 / USD34, averaging £47 / USD63 per night。


我們不用租車,而環島遊差不多所有美麗大自然景點是免費,所以在這兩方面我們省下很多錢。至於其他銷費,我們花了差不多 £1000 / USD1340,主要都是用在電油和吃飯。這還包括兩頓米之蓮星級餐廳噢!
In terms of the other costs, we had our own car so didn’t need to hire one。 And the best thing about our road trip was the natural beauty which was free to everyone。 In addition to the accommodation cost, we spent around £1000 / USD1340 over the 25 days which covered mainly petrol and food, and this included two meals at Michelin star restaurants !


I hope you will enjoy reading this series of blogs and like the virtual UK road trip。 I have marked down on my google map all the locations of the places we stayed at, interesting view points as well as the eateries that I would recommended。 If you are planning a similar trip yourself, I hope the information will be of use to you and that you will enjoy it as much as I did. Bon voyage!

Check out all my travel posts here or visit Steemit Worldmap

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