Draw on Blockchain : Halloween 萬聖節 🎃


Hello Steemians! I think in some countries or some culture areas, people are preparing for the Halloween! In fact, in my home town, Hong Kong, some of us also "celebrate" for the Halloween. To be honest, I can say many of us do not have such religion background or tradition culture. It is only a trendy event promoted by theme parks and shops. We treat it as a day of having party and gathering. As a ordinary local, I only get the idea of Halloween from movies or Internet.

Hello Steemians! 31號就是傳說中的萬聖節了!其實在香港,本地人並沒有過萬聖節的傳統。不過最近十幾年,在主題公園和各種商業推廣下,一些本地人也開始了萬聖節活動。我們大多視這天為開派對聚會的日子,基本上沒有任何宗教色彩。而我對萬聖節的認識也只是從看電影或互聯網等等得來的。


Process 過程

Outline 起稿



Start from pumpkin. Orange and some Prussian blue for the gradient.


Frankenstein's creature I like Frankenstein very much. A humanity sci-fi fiction (I hope I got the category right). Apply to the nowadays world too, not only creating human in artificial way, also AI and cloning.

Besides, I watched the National Theater Live of Frankenstein. Both version of Benedict Cumberbatch as Victor and the creature. I hope someday I can see the real play.


兩年前看看了National Theater Live 的科學怪人,就是在影院看劇場的錄影。它有兩個版本,一位我很喜愛的演員—Benedict Cumberbatch輪流演Victor和科學怪人。希望有一天能在真正的劇場看看啊TT


The witch. I like playing the game of Town of Salem before. Also, I watched two seasons of the American Horror Story. It was so awesome and so my taste, although the story was a bit rush in the ending.

女巫也是基本角色吧。以前很喜歡玩一個叫Town of Salem的遊戲,信任和分析力洞察力的大考驗遊戲,很刺激的一個遊戲呢!另外看過兩季的美國恐怖故事,其中一季是關於現代女巫的。雖然收尾有點急,但這種怪異題材很合我的口味。


The background is repainted by black. Before is red covered by payne grey, I wanted to make a reddish dark, but result in mess. Add some details and the first image (thumbnail) is the final outcome.



enter image description here

Children usually won't go to ask for candy. . Some people still prepare candies and just share as a little gift. Some schools will have small parties. And the adults are the most excited. The most craziest street is Lan Kwai Fong bar street. It is filled with the crowded and people drunk, lol.

Besides, the theme parks, Disney and the Ocean Park, will "dress up" the whole area with Halloween theme. Disney is quite moderate but Ocean Park has many scary haunting houses (@_@) If you like haunting houses and travel in this period, it is my recommendation.


另外,過萬聖節要數就是兩個主題公園,迪士尼和海洋公園的期間限定活動了。 在晚上,樂園就變身成為鬼怪園。迪士尼沒有去過啊,好像比較溫和一點。但海洋公園有些鬼屋,膽小的我真的叫破喉嚨(破喉嚨:找我?)如果喜歡玩鬼屋在這期間來旅遊,這兩處都是非常推薦的!


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