蛾子分类档案之夜蛾科//Moth classification archives

Steemit 上的朋友们,我们又见面了,现在是我们一块来认识蛾子的时间了。前面的一期里我介绍了枯叶蛾和虎蛾科的几只蛾子,今天我们要来介绍的是夜蛾科的蛾子。希望能够对大家有一些帮助!

My friends on the Steemit, we're meeting each other again. Now it's time for us to recognize the moths. In front of the period, I introduced some moths of the Lasiocampidae and Agaristidae. Today we're going to introduce some moths of the Noctuidae. I hope I can help you!


Of these moths, the color of the Ephesia butleri should be the most abundant. The forewing is grey, while the hindwing is golden yellow. There are black intervals in the middle and the edges are jagged. The characteristics of the Erebus pilosa are also evident. The whole is black, brown and bluish purple. The forewings have a streak shaped like an eye. The characteristics of the Parallelia crameri is that there is a white stripe in the forewings and hind wings.


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Moth classification archives // 蛾子分类档案之枯叶蛾、虎蛾科

Moth classification archives // 蛾子分类档案之舟蛾科(2)

Moth classification archives // 蛾子分类档案之舟蛾科(1)

蛾子分类档案之天蛾科(3)一(Moth classification archives)

蛾子分类档案之天蛾科(2)一(Moth classification archives)

蛾子分类档案之天蛾科(1)一(Moth classification archives)

蛾子分类档案之尺蛾科(Moth classification archives)

蛾子分类档案之大蚕蛾科(Moth classification archives)

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