TAIWAN Journey #4: A day on Taipei TRAIN trip! 🌏 Shirlam the Traveller || 旅者 Shirlam 🌏【台灣遊蹤 #4: 跟我在台北鐵道上過一天】

Hello my Steemit friends, with my previous blogs on National Memorial Hall, the Red House and traditional braised pork rice in Taiwan, I will still be showing you around Taipei today.

親愛的Steemit好友,繼我之前跟大家介紹了 台灣國立紀念館西門紅樓傳統魯肉飯後,今天我又會帶大家去台灣繼續遊覽!

Now simply close your eyes 😌 and let’s set off for the New Taipei City! We will be spending a day on the “TRAIN trip”.


Our journey ahead 我們的路線


Starting off from Taipei Station, we firstly travelled to Ruifang by metro. Then we bought the one-day ticket for the train on Pingxi Line so we can travel anytime along the Pingxi Line.


🐾Station #1: Ruifang 第一站︰瑞芳🐾

Address: No. 82, Section 3, Mingdeng Road, Ruifang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan


!steemitworldmap 25.1089325 lat 121.8039653 long d3scr

On our arrival to Ruifang, we arrived at the 520 Platform (“520” means “I love you” in Chinese).


We can take photos with the famous Postman and buy the little metro tickets with blessings as gifts to friends and family.

這是著名的郵差叔叔,其實覺得他的笑容有點詭異😆 這裡也可以買到仿照車票製成的祝福符,可以送給朋友和家人喔。

There are some night markets around Ruifang but due to time limit, we went directly to Shifen because we had something more to do!


🐾Station #2: Shifen 第二站︰十分🐾

Address: No. 51, Shifen Street, Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan


!steemitworldmap 25.0427216 lat 121.77518 long d3scr

Here we are - Shifen!!! It is a calm, modest and peaceful area separated from the Taipei city area (although it can get quite crowded during travel seasons 😜).

到了十分!!!! 十分遠離台北市中心的煩囂,是一個寧靜樸素的小區 (雖然旅遊旺季還是會充斥著旅客)。

To release the flying lanterns (Fang tian deng) is a must-do item on my checklist. The different colors of the paper symbolise different aspects of life, for example “green” symbolises wealth and pink symbolises relationship.


As we write our wishes onto the flying lanterns and release it, we have the chance to tell the God our wishes, hoping that our wishes will come true somday.


🐾Station #3: Qingtong 第三站︰菁桐🐾

Address: No. 52, Jingtong Street, Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan


!steemitworldmap 25.0238545 lat 121.7241695 long d3scr

Qingtong is the oldest station along the Pingxi line. You can feel the simplicity and peace of the life by walking around Qingtong.


Unluckily the Qingtong Railway Museum was closed that day. That is a place worth visiting and it tells us the historic story about the Qingtong station.


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