Cool Australian Campaign to Win a Bitcoin Each Week - 澳洲有一個活動可以每週贏一個比特幣

Hi Steemians,

This week there is a pretty cool campaign in Australia where you can win a bitcoin each week for 4 weeks if you buy a particular product. And this product I’m sure many of you may have heard or seen this brand - Boost Juice. It is an Australian company founded in 2000. They have many branches around the country and I am a massive fan of their drinks.

這個星期澳洲有一間公司會在一個月之內送 4 個比特幣給他們的顧客。每個星期他們都會送一個出去。我相信在亞洲的你們都有聽過這個牌子 - Boost 果汁. 在 2000 年,Boost 在澳洲開了第一家店而在現在全國都有很多分店。

bitcoin boost.png

The promotion is ongoing for 4 weeks and each week the winner will take 1 bitcoin home. How does it work? So you need to buy their drink and is given a dedicated code. Once you have that, you need to download their app and either put in a guess of how much a bitcoin costs at 12pm Monady each week your own or generate a random one by the system.

這個宣傳活動會維持一個月而每週會有一個幸運兒贏一個比特幣。你會問怎樣可以贏一個比特幣。首先要買一杯飲料, 他們會給你一個特別的號碼。之後在電話下載他們的應用程式然後拿著這個號碼登記。登記完就可以猜你覺得每個星期一12點比特幣會是什麼價錢或可以用電腦幫你選一個價錢都可以的。


You would need to put in your guesses by 12pm each Monday to be eligible. The guess that is correct or the closest one to the price of the bitcoin at that moment will be the winner.


No bad isn’t it? Lets hope I get lucky and win a bitcoin these 4 weeks.


You can check out their ad here - pretty cute!

這個活動的廣告 - 我覺得很可愛啊!


Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:

Displays At The British Museum, London (IV)

Traveling the World #93 (Asia Series) Byodo-in & Phoenix Hall @ Uji Shi, Japan

My 2018: A Tour Around My Town - Sydney, Australia

Better DLive Survey + Some Suggestions

Traveling the World #92 (Asia Series) Byodo-in @ Uji Shi, Japan

Traveling the World #91 (Asia Series) Uji Starbucks @ Uji, Japan

Happy Australia Day! Photos of Australia

Traveling the World #90 (Asia Series) Takayama Old Town & Surroundings @ Takayama, Japan

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