My 2018: A Tour Around My Town - Sydney, Australia - 我的 2018: 認識悉尼多一點

Hi Steemians,

Today I would like to introduce more the the place I grew up in and spent most of my life in - Sydney. If you have missed part 1 you can find it here. For those who have been following my post visiting Byodo-in in Japan, I will continue on that in my next travel blog.



As mentioned in my last Dlive chat, I have realised that I rarely introduce places around Australia in particular Sydney so today I’ll take you around briefly what you can see of this beautiful city. Of course there are many more places to visit but these are some of the ones I would like to show you today. This post is also to enter fellow OCD member @anomadsoul’s " A tour around my town” contest.

在上次 Dlive 直播裡我講到我沒有再Steemit 分享過很多澳洲的地方尤其是悉尼所以想今天跟你們介紹多一點。我這次的介紹也是來參加 OCD 成員 @anomadsoul 的 “A tour around my town” 比賽。

Here we go!


There are loads to see in Sydney but lets start with hiring a boat and do some fishing at San Souci in Sydney South. Enjoy the Sydney waters and catch great fish around the area. There are plenty of other boats around so you won’t be alone :)

第一站就是可以到悉尼南邊的 San Souci 租一架艇出海釣魚。你可以一邊看風景,一邊釣大魚。周圍都有其他人一起釣所以你不會覺得悶





If you like something arty and retro, check out Chippendale near the city CBD. Plenty of small cafes, old buildings, cool tiles around the suburb and small alleys. What is cool about this place as its really close to the city so you can take the bus out after a quick visit.

如果妳喜歡一點藝術或懷舊的東西,你可以到悉尼市中心附近的 Chippendale 看看。這裡有很多咖啡店,舊屋,整個區地上有很多很酷的瓷磚和小巷. 因為裡悉尼市中心非常近所以可以搭巴士去看看

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There are plenty of beaches in Sydney with Bondi & Coogee Beach being the most famous. There is a Bondi to Coogee walk (or vice versa) where you can see some great scenery around the area and get some exercise done at the same time.

悉尼有很多海灘而 Bondi 和 Coogee 是比較最出名的。其實你可以走路從Bondi 到 Coogee (或者Coogee 到 Bondi 也可以)。 這條路很受歡迎因為可以一邊看很漂亮的風景一邊做運動

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Another beach which is not as well known but very nice with not many tourists is Balmoral Beach. Parking is one of the most expensive around Sydney but the beach is one of the quietest. Plenty of people come to have their wedding photos taken here.

另外一個海灘不是很多遊客去的就是 Balmoral 海灘。雖然街上拍車很貴但我覺得這裡是在悉尼比較安靜的海灘。很多人都會在這裡拍婚紗照片



If you want to take some good photos of Sydney Harbour, you can go to Clark Park at the lower north shore. You can take photos of the harbour as well as check out Luna Park close by.

如果想在悉尼拍到很好的風景,就要來到悉尼北岸的 Clark Park 。這裡你可以拍到很美的悉尼風景還有 Luna Park 遊樂場就在附近



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Not sure if anyone here is a rugby fan but you can always watch a game if you come at the right time. Pretty cool if you support a particular team.






Lastly, a place 2 hours outside of Sydney we go at least once a year is the Hunter Valley. There are plenty of vineyards and they produce some of the best wines in Australia. Definitely a great location for a few days out of Sydney.

最後,離悉尼2個多小時的就是 Hunter Valley. 這裡有很多讓酒園而很多很好的紅酒和白酒都是在 Hunter Valley 出產的。如果想有一個短假期 Hunter Valley 是一個不錯的選擇

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I’ll stop here today. There are plenty more things to see in Sydney and I do hope you can keep following me as I will share more of my hometown next time :)


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Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:

Better DLive Survey + Some Suggestions

Traveling the World #92 (Asia Series) Byodo-in @ Uji Shi, Japan

Traveling the World #91 (Asia Series) Uji Starbucks @ Uji, Japan

Happy Australia Day! Photos of Australia

Traveling the World #90 (Asia Series) Takayama Old Town & Surroundings @ Takayama, Japan

Traveling the World #89 (Asia Series) Takayama Old Town @ Takayama, Japan

Jurassic Plastic Exhibition @ Sydney, Australia

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