Mont Blanc is the highest peak in Europe, which is 4808 meters above sea level. Mont Blanc is also the highest peak of the Alps, it is located between the French province of Savoy and the Valle D'aosta in Italy. The closest town to Mont Blanc, the one on the French side is Chamonix, the one on the Italian side is Courmayeur. There is one tunnel that connecting the Chamonix and Courmayeur crosses the Alps with a total length of 11.6 km.
Courmayeur is a famous ski resort in the winter, during the summer it becomes a mountain bike lovers' paradise, but even in the summer, you can also choose to walk or take the cable car to reach the snow-covered altitude on the mountain. !steemitworldmap 45.7962153 lat 6.9529923 long d3scr
我喜欢雪山,雪山让人感觉到纯净,安静,不争不抢,却站在制高点看着这个世界。爬山与潜水这两样与山水相关的运动里,我也更加钟爱爬山。那句著名的“Because the mountain was there”可能是无数登山爱好者的座右铭,当你站在高峰的时候,你看这个世界的角度变了,在接受过生理与心理的双重挑战过后,看到别人不曾看到的美景,体验别人不曾体验到的心态变化,这些收获是山带给你的。没有谁征服谁,登山,这只是一场你与山之间的互动。
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