Does your Facebook job still say you are a Steemit Blogger, a year later? Cause mine does! (Ps. Invite your friends!)

About a year ago, Steemit launched. And many of us thought switching our job titles to Steemit Blogger was a great idea, but how many of you kept it?

So not only do my friends think I work full-time at as a blogger and get to see this anytime any of the 1,000 or so people come to my profile, they also get to see I'm a self employed individual which leads them to believe Steemit is supporting me, which it sort of is honestly, well crypto in general at least. Even though I run a website design business and have clients that pay me well, I choose to keep advertising over my own business, know why? It's the more worthwhile and beneficial thing in the long run, in my opinion. I would rather someone else find out about Steemit and sign up than let people know I sell websites, because why not? 

So what are you waiting for? Join the club and become a professional Steemit writer, you're hired! :p

The more users we have on Steemit the better it is for not only them, but the entire network, so go out and tell people about this awesome secret website we have here! It's time to share it and get people into Steemit which just so happens to be the easiest crypto currency to get into and doesn't require any financial investment on their end unless they choose. So channel your inner crypto enthusiast and go sign up your friends, colleagues & family, what do they have to lose? Besides, who says 1 Steem isn't worth $1,000 5 years from now? Seems like a great time to start investing to me!

Soon enough we'll have Twitter/Instagram/YouTube & Forums competitors also powered by the Steem blockchain as well, which give you even more reason to tell them before this entire thing starts to go totally parabolic...


What do you guys think? Is it prime time to get crypto newbies into Steemit again? The price is up, the interest is up, Bitcoin is full on bull mode and the entire ecosystem seems to be going nuts....

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