Quick Comic Update #9

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Sometimes you get your flu vaccine and still end up getting the flu...

I got my shot way back in October or November and I wash my hands like a mad woman, but unfortunately, I was not spared from this season's doozy of the flu. I will say I think my symptoms are a lot better than they would've been had I not gotten the vaccine so I still highly, highly recommend getting your flu shot.

But what symptoms I do have are not very fun and I can't do very much. I'm hoping I'll be able to get out of bed more in the next few days once the meds start kicking the flu germs' butt. But for now, YouTube and Netflix!

Anyways, I have the two last inked pages to share. I won't be writing much more since my brain is pretty fried. Sorry :(



[insert comic name here] is a gothic style story set in the 19th century about an immigrant houseworker who uses the spiritualist movement to rebel against the societal pressures of the time. If you would like to read the previous updates about this story, you can find them in the links below:

Update 1: Progress
Update 2: Perspective is The Worst
Update 3: Art Hacks
Update 4: Establishing Shots
Update 5: Changes
Update 6: Loving/Hating Your Work
Update 7: New Techniques
Update 8: Speed Draw

Thanks for reading and Happy Valentine's Day

If you'd like to keep up with more of my work you can check me out at the following:

Instagram: @la.fumettista
Tumblr: http://la-fumettista.tumblr.com/tagged/art
Twitter: @TheresaChiechi
Website: https://www.theresachiechi.com/

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