Angie's Way Too Longggg Comments - #2 - Steemit As Transformation Powerhouse - Re @DaveMccoy's Entry To Welcome To Steemit Competition by Asher aka @abh12345

Hey Steem Fam,

This post came about as a result of reading a truly inspiring and wonderful post by @davemccoy entitled The Party Is Just Getting Started - Welcome To Steemit Everyone!.


Soon after my Steemit birth 93 95 days ago (wrote most of this up on Monday, May 14, 2018 but editing to publish today, Thursday, May 17), I started a series with a tongue-in-cheek name.

The title seemed to cause a bit of confusion. I tried to come up with another title for the series but didn't. And still have not. Probably because I really liked the 'fun' intention behind the series name.

As I explained in the first post in this series, sometimes, when I feel very passionately about a subject and come across a blog here on Steemit about said subject, I end up writing a longggg comment.

I did this on a few blogs early on... blogs by my beloved first Steemian mentor, Sir Max, aka @SpiritualMax. I also did it on posts served up by @ClixMoney, @MaverickInvictus and others.

And they all commented that my comment could well have been a post. lol

So of COURSE I started a series entitled "Angie's Way Too Longggg Steemit Comments".

The first one's full title was 'Angie's Way Too Longggg Comments Series - #0000001 - Upvotes As Heart Value Thank Yous'.


I only did the one post in the series, waiting to come up with the 'right' title. And made more too long comments. And intended to write up each one as it's own post.

Partly to be able to find them more easily myself and to also share what I'd written with any of my followers who actually check my posts. ;)

It's also another way to highlight posts I like and feel passionately enough about to write a... 'way too longggg' comment. ;)

The other two curation series that I use to highlight posts in a more detailed way are:

'Exploring Steemit's Valuable Treasure' (current posts)

'Exploring Steemit's Sunken Treasure' (past payout period posts)

btw, to see past issues of the above curation series in addition to the entire archive of all my "Angela's Voice" posts here on Steemit, just:

  • check my blog archive
  • scroll down to the Witnessing, Recording the Co-creation and Evolution of Heaven On Earth section
  • you'll see both curation series listed in the Steemit Community sub-section

The most current blog archive listing is "Angela's Voice" On Steemit - Blog Post Archive - Weeks 1-11 -- SIBWA Challenge Week 9 Day 3 Entry.

To get back now to what we were talking about above...

I only did the one post in the series, waiting to come up with the 'right' title. And made more too long comments. And intended to write up each one as it's own post.

But I hadn't 'renamed' the series, so I added a couple of the comments to my way too longggg To Do list, lost unless I use 'control F' to find, and went along my way.

Every now and then I'd add a new note to my To Do to add a comment whenever I happened to make another 'way too longggg' one.

Here's the thing.

I JUST wrote another way too longggg comment. Well, earlier. Because I've been...

  • writing this post up
  • logging in to Stencil to insert the correct #0000002 for the series graphic
  • scrolling down my timeline to find that old post.... because I left it off EVERY one of my "Angela's Voice" On Steemit - Blog Post Archive listings.

That's how far from front of mind I'd pushed this darling little 'Way Too Longggg Steemit Comments' series. ;)

So here, finally, is the second of this 'Way Too Long Steemit Comments' series. I'll search down the other way too longggg comments and give them their own post home in the series in the next week or three or so.

IF I wait to find then publish them, the very same thing that happened to those intended posts will happen to this one. It's time now to retrieve this more informal curation series.

So the 'way too longggg' comment I made earlier this week was in line with the essence of @davemccoy's entire post. He highlighted all the ways that Steemit currently impacts the every day lives of Steemians all over the world because of the power of our community.

Let's dive in...

First up was the comment I wrote in response to a comment authored by @doomsdaychassis on Dave's post.

@doomsdaychassis highlighted a Venezuelan Steemian who made more on ONE of his Steemian posts that got a @curie upvote than the ENTIRE salary he made in ONE YEAR as a UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR!

As @doomsdaychassis said:

I just spoke to a man in a 3rd world country and his article got @curie and it allowed him to move his son out of the country because that one vote was worth more than he made in an entire year as a professor. Just think about that. One damn vote fixed someones life. One damn vote was worth more than he made in an entire year as a PROFESSOR. My mind is continually blown when I log on here. We can't stop, No check that , We won't stop.

and from @doomsdaychassis's second follow-up comment:

They are dealing with 13,000% inflation last night when i spoke to him. I spoke to another Venezualan this morning and he said they were at over 13,600% today.

You can read @doomsdaychassis's two comments about this Steemian university professor whose life has been changed by Steemit HERE and HERE (one comment is an update on the other).

My response to @doomsdaychassis was:

They are dealing with 13,000% inflation

Yes they are, as are many other second and third world countries. The value of a US$1.00 stretches amazingly in these countries.

I too reblogged a post by a brand new Brazilian Steemian, @carlos8049888, who withdrew only $4.00 from his Steemit account. He works in the insurance industry and earns the equivalent of US$1.70 per MONTH.

With that US$4.00 from his Steemit earnings, he was able to buy groceries like chicken, meat and cheese that they had not been able to purchase for months.


That's the power of what this Steemit platform can do.

Life changing.. For everyone. For all of us.

The blog I referenced in my comment above was by @carlos8049888, entitled APPRECIATION TO STEEMIT.

The very first paragraph in that now past payout blog included this poignant excerpt:

Maybe it sounds impossible but with the $4 dollars received I was able to buy several things (like for example: ham, cheese, smoked pork chop) that in months we have not been able to consume. Truly the smile and satisfaction of my daughters is priceless.

PLEASE visit @carlos8049888's post entitled APPRECIATION TO STEEMIT to read the rest of his eye opening share then show him some upvote and comment love via one of his more curreent posts

Next up is the main comment I wrote directly in response to @davemccoy's amazing Party Just Getting Started post.

In case you missed Dave's post or if you want to enjoy it all over again... it is WONDERFULLY INSPIRING, so do please give it another read AND bookmark it, AND write up your own post to highlight it too.... here's where you can find The Party Is Just Getting Started - Welcome To Steemit Everyone! and below is the main comment I wrote on that post.


Thank you very much for this extremely inspiring post.

You highlighted in very personal terms the power of this Steemit platform. You reminded me eloquently why I was so excited after I first heard about Steemit, during my wait to get in and during the addictive first six to eight weeks of my time here.

From the very beginning my mind has struggled with why I spend so much of my day on Steemit but my heart and soul have always known why. It is the very first place online that I've found since 2004 that combines so many things that are important to me.

Community... but community that involves being able to be part of so many different communities that have no connection with each other.

Every single interest we have can find a real tribe on Steemit to share, collaborate, hang out and create fulfilling self expression. A poet who is also a woodworker, gardener, ufo watcher and nurse can find individual communities to express all these different sides of her/his self. In ONE place,on ONE website.

WHILE earning crypto doing so. ;)

Thanks for the timely reminder of what we are all involved with here on Steemit. Thanks for putting things back in to perspective, for me, personally. I've been floundering a bit here for the past few weeks, wondering if my vision of what Steemit is and can be matches the vision of the 'powers that be' here.

Thanks for highlighting the heart of Steemit and Steemians. As usual, here, online or offline in the 'real' world, it is not the 'powers that be' that truly determine the future. It is the power of the heart love of people who are united with a sense of mission and purpose.

The fact that an online space can transform the real world through real lives all over our beloved planet Earth, never fails to bring tears to my eyes.

Thank you for your passionate vision, loving reminder and call to unstoppable, full active duty as we meld and focus our daily heartfelt contribution with this Steemit platform to the mission of transforming this world.

@davemccoy very kindly responded with a beautiful comment that you can read in full HERE.

So that's it for this way too long second 'Way Too Longggg Steemit Comments post. ;)

If you missed @davemccoy's original Party Just Getting Started post, I hope you took the time already to read it or will now scoot over there to do so.

I love his post so much that I'm going to highlight it in much more detail in one of my curation posts this or next week.... maybe next, since this week is practically DONE! ;) So that will have to be via my 'Exploring Steemit's Sunken Treasure' series that highlights past paid out Steemit post gems.

Ok, take very good care, enjoy the rest of the week and the upcoming weekend and talk soon.

Angel Blessings,


PS Here again are the main post and comment links shared above so you don't have to scroll up to find them:

The Party Is Just Getting Started - Welcome To Steemit Everyone!

@doomsdaychassis's shares about the Venezuelan professor and how he used his single @Curie supported author reward to get his son out of Venezuela and HERE (one comment is an update on the other)

@carlos8049888's share about how $4 bought his family chicken, meat, cheese and other groceries they were not able to afford for months. See his gratitude post here APPRECIATION TO STEEMIT

PPS If you'd like to know when I publish new posts, I can send that straight to you via email. Just request your own private "Angela's Voice" new blog post notifications
or via raw link:

PPPS Also if you right click and choose 'open in new browser tab', you can find the most current full archive listing of all my "Angela's Voice" blog posts here on Steemit.
Raw link:

PPPPS JUST as I was rechecking tags, about to hit the 'Post' button, I checked @davemccoy's tags, saw the new-to-me #welcometosteemit one, searched and realized Dave's post was an entry to an impromptu Competition: #welcometosteemit organized by Asher's aka @abh12345.

The idea was to get a few amazing Steemit shilling posts up on the trending page. @abh12345 organized help very quickly. The prizes were listed as below on the FIRST, original competition announcement that I found last only after editing this newly added PPPPS section:

  • 1000 delegated Steem Power for a month
  • 20 SBD
  • a 100% upvote and a resteem from this small Dolphin with 9500 followers
  • a 5 SBD Bounty added to the post

Entries were to be prepared but not posted until Sunday, May 13, 2018, at 2:00pm, EST/8:00 pm Central European Time.

In the followup Winner Announcement post, I was THRILLED to see that @davemccoy's The Party Is Just Getting Started - Welcome To Steemit Everyone! post that we've been looking at here, won special mention second place!!!

I'm SOOOO happy!!! HUGE Congratzzzz, Dave! ;)

LOVE when this type of synchronicity occurs. I've been mulling and working on this post since MONDAY and didn't KNOW it was part of a competition NOR that it had gotten very special mention as 2nd place winner. AMAZZZZZINGGGG!!!

So NOW I can finally hit 'Post'!!! ;)

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui.
All Worldwide rights reserved.

Graphic source, unless specifically stated otherwise,
are all via my Stencil account.

I'd like to Thank all of my supporters for your ongoing love, trust, faith and encouragement. Special Thanks also to Sir Max aka @SpiritualMax for your delegation support along with @Daltono and @JoanneReid for your daily auto upvote support.

If you would also like to directly support the expansion of my work here on Steemit, you can look over what I'm already doing via my weekly updated "Angela's Voice On Steemit" blog post archive. If you like what you see, I'd truly appreciate:

  • spare SP you may have (my first mini goal is 1000 SP,
    my own preferably or delegated)
  • your auto upvote via SteemDunk or your favorite Steemit auto-upvoting service.

Thank you and Bless you!

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