Quinn's Quality Content Curation ~(~Q2C2~)~ Episode 10: Must See Posts For The Success Of Steemit as a Whole

Greetings on another day and opportunity to make something of this life!

Today is my TENTH episode of ~(~Q2C2~)~  !!!!

I am really grateful that I started this series. I have really enjoyed going through so many posts, even with how much time it takes and how many posts really aren't worth reading. 

I find it very fulfilling to find really quality/valuable posts that are not just well done but are really beneficial for the people using this platform in our community. 

It feels good to share the posts I feel are most worth actually reading, not just voting on, and this is especially so when I get so much feedback from people saying things like "thanks so much for finding and sharing such quality posts" Or "I hadn't read that post but I am really grateful I did" or "there are so many shit posts out there it's nice to find a spot where I can just read a handful of quality posts" etc etc. 

So today may be Episode 10, yet it's just another day of going through a hundred posts and finding the top 5 or so and sharing them with you!

I hope that this Episode and further episodes are of real value to you!

I try to be VERY selective and only list the posts that I feel are beneficial to you as an individual but also to Steemit as a whole. I am excited to publish another Episode of ~(~Q2C2~)~ as I have new posts to share! You can check out my previous ~(~Q2C2~)~ episodes here:
Episode 1~ ~Episode 2~ ~Episode 3~ ~Episode 4~ ~ Episode 5 ~ ~ Episode 6 ~~ Episode 7~ ~Episode 8~ ~Episode 9~

Let's get into it! 

First up we have a VERY important post authored by @netuoso and the title is "Beware Inactive Witnesses - Witness Stats Released

This post is worth checking out because:

  1. Witnesses are VERY important and influential to this platform/community.
  2. Witnesses get paid a fair amount of currency (which comes out of OUR reward pool) for their duties. 
  3. Witnesses SHOULD be the most trustworthy, honorable, responsible, and ACTIVE people in our community. 
  4. If they are not, then they should NOT have votes allocated to them for witness. 
  5. This post just very clearly and simply shows which witnesses are active and which ones are not. 
  6. I am going to be dangerous and just SAY IT "Please do not vote for witnesses that are not actively participating and contributing to the betterment of this platform. Also please REMOVE votes from any such "witness". 
  7. Its also important to USE your votes for witnesses. If you don't know WHO to vote for, then please ask someone who you trust and respect who they vote for and follow their vote until you make up your own mind. 

Check it out!

Next up we have a post authored by @fraenk titled "Final Thoughts on Catching a Minnowsupport Abuser - List of Fake Accounts Inside"

This post is worth checking out because:

  1. I promoted the first post in this series a few days ago BECAUSE it is VERY important. 
  2. There are unfortunately a lot of dishonest and dishonorable scammers in our community. 
  3. We would be benefitted by having more folks like @fraenk who finds this stuff. 
  4. @steemcleaners is doing the best they can, but they have limitations. 
  5. If we really want to rid ourselves of plagiarism, copy/paste spam, and literal accounts who are draining the reward pools with scams taking advantage of noble projects like minnow support etc, then we must do something ourselves to counter it. 
  6. @fraenk is dong that and giving US an opportunity to DO something about it. Go and flag these accounts, because if they make NO money they WILL NOT do it ANYMORE. Simple. All they care about is making easy money. 

Check it out!

Next up we have a post authored by @paulag and it is titled "How well do Blog Posts Really do on Steemit – Analysis SteemitSQL Database"

This post is worth checking out because:

  1. These are FACTS, data accessible to anyone. 
  2. Reading this post will get you access to these FACTS WAY FASTER than doing it yourself. 
  3. There are many conclusions which are important to accurately understanding this platform from this post. 
  4. If we want to grow as a mainstream platform, we need to know and address these things. 
  5. This posts helps give a much more accurate awareness of this community's realities. 

Check it out!

Next up we have a post authored by @dwinblood titled "Human Sacrifice... Yep, I think I was wrong about that."

This post is worth checking out because:

  1. This is a VERY controversial and dangerous topic. 
  2. One I have learned to stay out of because you get as much attack and ridicule as you do support if not more. 
  3. This post is VERY well done as it comes from a VERY real, honest and HUMAN perspective. 
  4. It is not your classic conspiracy type post, even though it IS one of those topics. 
  5. These kinds of topics you really MUST research at a minimum even if you don't agree. 
  6. Cognitive dissonance is VERY real and this is touched upon here in a very real and humble, personal way. 
  7. Please check it out, just for the process that takes place within by reading it. 

Check it out!

Next up I have a post authored by the accomplished @joseph titled "TEZOS THE NEXT ETHEREUM CONTENDER"

This post is worth checking out because:

  1. Like most, I am not at the tip of the spear of the crypto world. 
  2. Yet because we are here on Steemit, we need to invest more in our education/awareness of the crypto world. 
  3. I do not promote this because I agree with it per say or advise it in any way. 
  4. I promote it because @joseph is very respectable, and this is an important topic for anyone who wants to profit and progress with success in the crypto world. 
  5. The comments have a lot of real value on top of the article itself, which unfortunately is becoming more and more rare with all the copy/paste spam these days. 
  6. There is good exposure/educaton to make up your own mind or inspire your own questioning. 

Check it out!

This is the conclusion of this post. I feel REALLY good about these posts and feel like you should have either already checked them all our or make sure to book mark them and check them out sometime soon. They have real importance/value to you as an individual here in this community and also the community success as a whole. 

I strive to contribute REAL value with everything I do.

As always, I welcome your feedback and appreciate your support!


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